
UCL Department of Chemical Engineering


Spring into STEM | Discover Acoustical Engineering | Virtual Lecture Series

27 April 2022, 10:00 am–11:00 am

Spring into Stem Acoustics Image

Spring Into STEM | Discover Acoustical Engineering will be given by UCL Chemical Engineering Research Fellow Fria Hossein and is one of five lectures presented by UCL Chemical Engineering, as part of the Spring into STEM webinars from UCL Engineering.

This event is free.

Event Information

Open to







Mark Bernardes and Lizzie Howie


United Kingdom

Acoustical engineering is in considerable request in most fields of engineering, whether to ameliorate inner vision or characterizing fluid properties. Acoustical engineering is the application of acoustics - the science of sound and vibration - in technology. It has broad applications across most aspects, from nuclear reprocessing to enhancing medical imaging. Recently, acoustics methods applied to opaque systems have attracted the attention of researchers in fluid mechanics. In particular, owing to their ability to characterize in real-time, non-transparent and highly concentrated fluid-particle systems, they have been applied to the study of complex multiphase flows such as two-phase and three-phase fluid systems. This lecture will provide you with a special knowledge of sound, vibration, and engineering applications, together with a core knowledge of mechanical engineering.

Our taster lectures will give you a chance to find out about the subjects we teach and research, you'll be able to meet our lecturers and researchers and you can put your questions to the team. We look forward to welcoming you.

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Photo by Pawel Czerwinski on Unsplash

About the Speaker

Fria Hossein

Research Fellow at University College London

Dr Fria Hossein
Dr Fria Hossein is a physicist with expertise in ultrasound and quantum physics. He obtained his PhD in ultrasound vibration potential for imaging in engineering and medicine in the School of Chemical Engineering at the University of Leeds. He received an MSc in advanced science (Quantum Technology) and BSc in physics in the School of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Leeds. Prior to this, he delivered lectures in the School of Physics at the University of Leeds. Fria has recently been appointed as a research fellow in the area of ultrasound technology for application in the field of biotechnology to introduce as a rapid test for Zika and Chagas viruses. He is now working as a postdoctoral research associate on applying ultrasound techniques for multiphase flow measurements. More about Fria Hossein

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