
UCL Engineering


Spring into STEM | How can philosophy make us better engineers? | Virtual Lecture Series

05 May 2022, 1:00 pm–2:00 pm

A post it on a notice board. The post it is yellow. On it, there is a drawing of a lightbulb.

With groundbreaking developments in science, technology, engineering and medicine bringing rapid change across the planet, how do we ensure that innovation is safe, fair and responsible?

This event is free.

Event Information

Open to

All | UCL staff | UCL students | UCL alumni






Garance Mourgaud


Roberts Engineering Building,
United Kingdom

Many of us became Engineers because we want to make a difference and improve people’s lives. We want to solve those problems that impact people’s lives, big or small. But the world we work in is complex and every action we take and every decision we make has consequences good and bad. How do we work out what the best decision is? How do we avoid those bad consequences? How do we make sure that our work is ethical, or equitable? This is where Philosophy comes in, or more specifically Ethics. Philosophers have been discussing how to make ethical decisions for centuries and while they haven’t reached a conclusion, they can give us some pointers on how to answer those difficult questions. 

These taster lectures will give you a chance to find out about the subjects we teach and research, you'll be able to meet our lecturers and researchers and you can put your questions to the team. We look forward to welcoming you.

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About the Speaker

Dr Fiona Truscott

Lecturer (Teaching) at UCL Engineering

More about Dr Fiona Truscott

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