
Evidence Based Practice Unit


Dr Kim de Jong

Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychology Leiden University

Kim de Jong (1977) is an expert on routine outcome monitoring feedback in adults and has collaborated with EBPU on developing theory on feedback and implementation of routine outcome monitoring.

Kim studied Psychology at the University of Amsterdam and received a double Masters degree with honors in Clinical Psychology and in Psychological Methods in 2000. After graduating, she worked as an applied researcher in a mental health organization. In 2012 Kim obtained her doctoral degree from Leiden University. In 2013-2014 she received a grant from the Dutch Science Organization (NWO) for a postdoc at the University of Pennsylvania, where she worked with Dr. Robert J. DeRubeis.

Kim currently works as an Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychology at Leiden University. In 2018 she was the recipient of the Society for Psychotherapy Research Outstanding early career achievement award.