22nd July 2024



Cities are increasingly a central focus for research, policy-making and public debate. It has been widely claimed over the last decade that more than half the global population now lives in cities and according to the United Nations this is set to rise to three-quarters by the year 2050.


The scale and complexity of these developments necessitate the development of innovative and interdisciplinary modes of analysis that can address critical challenges and influence debates both within and outside the academy. These range from rethinking urban regeneration, gentrification, public space and multiculturalism to large-scale challenges such as slums, poverty and access to basic services. Cities are now at the maelstrom of social, cultural and ecological change reflected in new conceptions of identity, collective memory and the technological transformations of everyday life.

By taking this MSc you will be better able to understand these debates and apply your own knowledge in the course of your career - whether this is geared towards further research and writing or through an enriched practical and professional contribution to the urban arena.


Course convenors: Dr Andrew Harris (Geography) with Dr Pushpa Arabindoo (Geography), Professor Ben Campkin (Architecture) and Dr Clare Melhuish (Bartlett/Urban Laboratory)
