
Centre for Anaesthesia Critical Care & Pain Medicine


An Introduction to Anaesthesia

SMILE Education

Free to attend or pay £25  for a certificate of attendance.

Previous Course: Sat July 13th 2024 0845 - 1630

2025 dates will be announced soon.



This one day course covers the basics of anaesthesia and provides some insight into this fascinating career, aimed at those

  • who are considering a career in anaesthesia
  • who are about to start a post in anaesthesia
  • who have had no anaesthesia experience
  • 4th/5th year Medical Students and Foundation Programme Doctors

Previous comments about the course:
 "....very enthusiastic and motivating, good content and engaging presentations!"
"very comprehensive and helpful for anybody who wants to start anaesthetics..'
'very good course, physiology teaching was highly relevant..'


Previous Schedule July 2024

Venue: Live on ZOOM
Booking is closed now! Options:

1. Free to attend - no need to pre-register, just join the link when it's displayed on this page

2. Register and pay £25 if you want a certificate (useful for demonstrating commitment to specialty in future applications!): please register and pay via this link

Please see our previous 2023 course booklet and slides below for an idea of what's in store! 

Course booklet: 

Programme 2024

0845 We're online

0855 Welcome and Introduction: Hannah, Val, Annie

0900 Airway :  Dr Mo Khaku 

1000 Breathing: Dr Doug Blackwood  

1100 Circulation: Dr Jenna Hutchinson 

1200 Lunch 30 mins

1230 Drugs: Dr Archana Depala 

1330 Scenarios: putting it all together: Dr Zeshan Bhatti  

1430: Break 15 mins

1445 Life as a Trainee: Talk from current trainees at UCLH, discussing tips for a successful anaesthetics application, structure of training, and ‘day in the life’ of a trainee Dr Hannah Short 

Check out the official RCoA information on training here

1530 Hot topics in Anaesthesia: Including environmental impact, ageing population, waiting lists, staff shortages, anaesthesia associates, etc. Very useful for interview preparation! Dr Mo Khaku and Val 

1600 Q&A Mo, Val, Hannah, Annie  

1630 End


All lectures will be delivered by expert senior faculty and will be interactive
Course resources will be made available to attendees on the day

Cost 2024 (£0 or £25)

You can attend for free (no need for pre-registration)... or pay £25 for a certificate of attendance

How will this work if you want a certificate?

  • Pay via the link below + fill in your details
  • We will email you to remind you! 
  • You log on
  • We'll make sure you get your emailed certifiate in the week after

If you need a certificate please pay on line - you just need to register - takes 1 min





UCL Centre for Anaesthesia


Course Faculty

Dr Robert Stephens
Dr Doug Blackwood
Dr Mo Khaku
Dr Anita McCarron
Dr Hannah Bykar
Dr Daniel Olaiya
Dr Thomas Reed
Dr Jackie Wu
Dr Hannah Short
Dr Valentin Weber
Dr Annabel Rogers