
Institute of Archaeology


10 Advice on choosing module options and electives

Advice on choosing modules - published for 2024-25

10.1 Choosing modules  

Modules are the individual units of study which lead to the award of credit.

10.1.1 Choosing Modules for 2024-25

Many programmes offer students the opportunity to choose between different modules that they are interested in. However some new students will find they do not need to make selections as all their modules are compulsory. If students need to choose modules, the department will advise them of how and when to do this, usually during departmental introductions. 

10.1.2 New Process for Choosing Modules for 2024-25 (continuing students)

Continuing undergraduate students and postgraduate students on programmes of more than 1 year's duration will have had an opportunity to make initial selection of modules for 2024-25 at the end of the Spring term, with places being confirmed in the summer. 

10.1.3 UCL Module Catalogue 

UCL‘s new Module Catalogue gives access to a comprehensive catalogue of all modules across the whole of UCL, published in a consistent, searchable and accessible format. 

Further information: 

Affiliate students:

Affiliate students will be advised of the process for selecting modules by their home department. Modules may need to be selected before enrolment, or after the student has arrived at UCL.

10.1.4 Module Selection and Verification Deadlines 

You will receive an email through the Student Records system, Portico, with details of module registration deadlines. Later on, you will also be asked to check in Portico and confirm that your module registrations are correct. It is important that you check that you are registered for the correct modules so that you are entered for the right assessments..  

Further information: 

10.1.5 Change of Module Selection 

If a student wishes to change a module selection, requests need to be submitted and approved by the department.

Exact deadlines will be published each year in the ‘Module Selection Task’ on Portico. On Online Programmes, exact deadlines will be set, managed and communicated by the Department. 

Further information: 

10.2 Contact details for staff who can give advice 

Please contact your Personal Tutor for advice.  Please notify Judy Medrington of any changes that you wish to make.