
Institute of Archaeology


South American Archaeology Seminar

19 May 2018, 10:00 am–5:00 pm

Hatun Rumiyoq, Cuzco, Peru

Event Information

Open to



Room 612, UCL Institute of Archaeology

The next South American Archaeology Seminar will be held at the UCL Institute of Archaeology on 19 May.


10.00 am Coffee/ Registration

  • 10.15: Sylwia Siemianowska (Centro de Estudios Andinos de la Universidad de Varsovia) Las figuras humanas y zoomorfas en la cerámica del sitio arqueológico de Maucallacta, dep. Arequipa, Perú
  • 10.55:  Dagmara Socha (Centro de Estudios Andinos de la Universidad de Varsovia) and Ruddy Perea Chavez (Museo Santuarios Andinos, Universidad Catolica de Santa Maria in Arequipa) Anthropological analysis of Capacocha human remains from Misti (Peru)


  • 12.00: George Lau (Sainsbury Research Unit, University of East Anglia) A late prehispanic offering at Yayno: evidence for Inca statecraft east of the Cordillera Blanca
  • 12.40: Dennis Ogburn (University of North Carolina at Charlotte), Bill Sillar (Institute of Archaeology, UCL) and Alexie Vranich (University of California, Berkeley) The 12 Angled Stone and the Hatunrumiyoq Structure: Pre-imperial Monumental Architecture in the Inka Capital


  • 2.00: Adine Gavazzi  (Cattedra UNESCO - Università degli Studi di Genova)  Tecnomorfología de la Arquitectura y del Paisaje andino y amazónico: Materiales, Métodos y Resultados
  • 2.40: Manuel Arroyo-Kalin, Philip Riris, Kevan Edinborough (Institute of Archaeology, UCL) Population Growth, Human Niche Construction and Climate Change in Pre-Columbian Amazonia


  • 3.50:  Mariusz Ziółkowski y Maciej Sobczyk (Centro de Estudios Precolombinos, Universidad de Varsovia) Kunti suyu, la región olvidada del Imperio Inca: en busca de los oráculos de Coropuna y Solimana (Arequipa)
  • 4.30: Darryl Wilkinson  (McDonald Institute, University of Cambridge) The Great LIP Migration into the Eastern Piedmont


Participants are asked to make a contribution of £10.00 towards the cost of coffee, tea & lunch (£5.00 for students)

The next seminar will take place on Saturday 1 December 2018.
If you would like to give a talk at a future seminar or for further information please contact Bill Sillar: b.sillar@ucl.ac.uk

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