
Arts Sciences


Frequently Asked Questions

Applying for the MASc in Creative Health

How competitive is the programme?

Our academic entry requirements are competitive in order to attract highly capable and motivated students. If you fulfil the academic requirements and/or have the right professional experience and show interest and motivation in the growing field of Arts and Health, you are in the right track for a successful application. We make offers on an on-going basis, and although the application deadline is late July, we reserve the right to stop accepting application at any point if the programme is full.

How long does it take to receive a reply after submitting my application?

You can normally expect an answer within four weeks from the day your application is complete, including reference letters.

Do I need the English language test results before applying?

Not necessarily. If you have not fulfilled the English language requirement at the time of submitting your application, we may still offer you a place in the programme conditional of you fulfilling the English language requirement by June of the year that you start. In this case you will receive a conditional offer letter.

However an application showing a good English level is a stronger application and has more chances to succeed. See here for the English tests approved by UCL.

Where can I find the equivalent of an English 2:1 for my country?

Go to the graduate student prospectus for MASc Creative Health.

In the" application and entry" tab there is a search box where you can find the equivalent of a 2:1 in your country.

I do not have a degree, what alternative qualifications do you accept?

Confirmed information to follow.

I don't have a credit card, how can I pay for the application?

If you do not have a debit or credit card and are unable to find someone to make the payment on your behalf, do not submit an online application as it will not be processed. The online applications processing fee is £90.

I am a 4th year Medical student. Can I intercalate with a MASc in Creative Health?

Intercalating MBBS/BMBS applicants are welcomed provided applicants have an undergraduate degree (2:1 minimum or equivalent) in a relevant subject. It may be possible to apply based on having completed three or four years of a medical degree programme; candidates wishing to be considered for admission in such circumstances will be considered on a case by case basis.

After receiving an offer

Accepting offers

We recommend students to accept the offer within four weeks of hearing the good news from UCL admissions. Candidates who have not accepted their offer will not be allowed to start the programme.

CAS numbers

Overseas students will need an unconditional offer letter, and will also need to have firmly accepted the offer in order to receive a Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) number, which is necessary when applying for a Tier 4 visa. CAS numbers are sent to candidates by UCL admissions around three months before the start of the course.

Accommodation and housing

All single first year international postgraduate students who accept their offer to study for a full-time Master’s programme at UCL, have not previously lived in London whilst studying at a Higher Education Institution (University), and submit their application by 30th June in the year of study will be offered a place in UCL accommodation. UCL is unable to offer student accommodation to graduate students with UK/EU fee status.

Further information on accommodation for postgraduate students can be found on the Accommodation webpages.

About the programme

What is unique about the programme?

The MASc in Creative Health is the first of its kind in the UK, providing the first MASc programme for a planned Masters level ‘Arts and Sciences’ degree at postgraduate level that concentrates on arts and health sciences. The programme seeks to address growing interest in the fields of Arts and Health, with a focus on research-led practice, community engagement, non-clinical interventions (especially social prescribing) and experiential teaching.

There is a growing national and international interest in the area of arts, health and wellbeing. The MASc will create a new generation of socially engaged scholars and practitioners to meet the needs of a changing health, social care and voluntary third sector, where personalised care and the patient experience are mainstreamed into primary, secondary and community health.

What are the average contact hours per week?

This will depend on whether you are full-time or part-time student. Here is a synopsis of each module's structure:

Approaches to Interdisciplinarity (Term 1)

- The module will have four weekly contact hours (40 contact hours in total).
- A two-hour seminar with a guest speaker.
- A two-hour study group.

Research Methods in Arts and Sciences (Term 1)
- The module will have four weekly contact hours (40 contact hours in total).
- A two hour PBL (Problem-Based Learning) seminars per week.
A two hour lecture per week.

Dissertation Project (Terms 1, 2 and 3)
- The module will have a total of 24 contact hours.
- Six two-hour briefings and seminars
- Six two-hour discussion groups

Public Engagement with Research (Terms 2 and 3)
- The module will have two contact hours, plus attendance at one all day public engagement conferences (37 contact hours in total).
- A two-hour seminar per week during terms 2 and 3.
- An all-day public engagement conference during term 3.

Your optional modules will be taught in term 1, 2 or 3 and have 2-3 contact hours per week.

I see I'll be working with a community partner for my dissertation. What does this mean?

Your dissertation will involve conducting a research project in collaboration with a community-based organisation in London (e.g. museum, arts centre, city farm, green space). The partner organisation will work with you to co-design a research project tackling a real-world issue or area of development - this could involve evaluating an existing programme of work, helping to design and evaluate a new programme, writing a grant proposal, strategic plan or other policy document. You will have a named supervisor who you will work closely with from the partner organisation, as well as an academic supervisor at UCL.

Is modular/flexible study available?

We do not offer modular study for this programme. Students can either study full-time (one calendar year), or part-time (two calendar years).

Is the programme taught during the day or in the evening?

Classes only take place during business hours. We do not offer evening classes.

What are the term dates for this programme?
Click here for the UCL term calendar. Please note that the MASc may sometimes schedule classes outside term time. We publish the MASc modules timetable for the upcoming academic year in June-July. Please check our website then for the timetable. 
I understand that this is an intensive programme. Will I have time to work part-time or volunteer?

There is always time for studying, working or volunteering, as well as for having fun, socialising and networking. It all depends on how well organised you are and how challenging you find the programme. Many students will be able to volunteer or work small jobs and perform well in the classroom. Others may find the programme challenging and prefer to focus on their studies. We encourage students to pursue extra-curricular activities and we allow the time in the timetable for you to do so. UCL has over 200 different clubs and societies through UCLU where you can get involved. 

Will I be allowed to work at all as an Overseas student?

Overseas students should check with the UK border agency about working in the UK, and the terms and conditions of their visa. Additional guidance can be found with the Home Office

What careers options do I have with this MASc?

Graduates are likely to progress into a career in arts and health research or professional practice including, arts/nature/community health, public health work such as link worker/community navigator roles, or policy work within the NHS, local authorities, and other local, regional or national organisations working at the interface of community public health.

UCL has its own Careers department and runs its own job fairs, as do other colleges within the University of London. London is one of the world's hubs for health related programmes and research, and many of your instructors have (had) professional careers outside academia, and can provide advice.