
The Bartlett School of Architecture


Postmodernism Culturally Reconsidered

10 May 2018, 7:00 pm–9:00 pm

vintage photograph of a man wearing a helmet and glasses with the centre removed

Event Information

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The Bartlett School of Architecture


Room G.12, The Bartlett School of Architecture, 22 Gordon Street, London, WC1H 0QB

Join author Dr Eva Branscome for a panel discussion and reception to launch her book, Hans Hollein and Postmodernism: Art and Architecture in Austria 1958-1985.

Eva will be in discussion with Dr Léa-Catherine Szacka, author of Exhibiting the Postmodern: The 1980 Venice Architecture Biennale based on her doctoral thesis, and Dr Stelios Giamarelos, who researched architecture in 1980s Greece, to revisit this often-controversial topic, Postmodernism.

The discussion of all three PhDs will touch on the intersections of media, communication and cultural specificity and address the impact of recent cultural changes on understanding Postmodernism.

The event will be chaired by Professor Adrian Forty and will be followed by a drinks reception. Copies of the book will be available for purchase on the day or in advance through Routledge.

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