
The Bartlett School of Architecture


2000 publications

Chapman, DP; Kontou, F; Penn, A; Turner, A; (2000) Automated viewshed analysis for configurational analysis of retail facilities. In: (Proceedings) Proceedings of the 19th International Cartographic Conference. (pp. 207 - 213). : Ottawa, Canada.
Hanson, J; (2000) The importance of weak ties: the influence of social 'embeddedness' on older people's ability to remain independent at home or to require additional support. In: Dickinson, A and Bartlett, H and Wade, S, (eds.) 29th Annual Conference. (pp. 21 - 29). : Oxford.
Hanson, J; (2000) Urban transformations: a history of design ideas. Urban Design International , 5 (2) 97 - 122.
Heesom, D; Mahdjoubi, L; Dawood, N; Hobbs, B; Akinsola, A; Mallasi, Z; ... S,; + view all (2000) A critical review of decision support systems for construction project planning. In: (Proceedings) Conference on construction applications of virtual reality: current initiatives and future challenges (CONVR). : Middlesbrough, University of Teesside.
Hillier, B; Greene, M; Desyllas, J; (2000) Self-generated neighbourhoods: the role of urban form in the consolidation of informal settlements. Urban Design International , 5 (2) 61 - 96.
Hillier, B; Shu, S; (2000) Crime and urban layout: the need for evidence. In: Ballantyne, S and MacLaren, V and Pease, K, (eds.) Secure foundations : key issues in crime prevention, crime reduction and community safety. (224 - 248). UCL (University College London), Institute for Public Policy Research: London, UK.
Hillier, B.; Shu, S; (2000) Crime and urban layout: the need for evidence. In: MacLaren, V and Ballantyne, S and Pease, K, (eds.) Crime Prevention and Community Safety IPPR. : London.
Karimi, K; (2000) Urban conservation and spatial transformation: preserving the fragments or maintaining the spatial spirit. URBAN DESIGN International , 5 (3-4)
Kueppers, S; Gage, S; Penn, A; Mottram, C; (2000) Distributed Simulation System for Spatial Design: Parallel Physical and Virtual Interactions Between People and Objects. In: (Proceedings) Greenwich 2000: Digital Creativity Symposium. (pp. 87 - 99). University of Greenwich
Major, MD; Penn, A; (2000) Following the crowd: spatial layout and crowd behaviour. Architectural Research Quarterly , 4 (3)
Psarra, S; Grajewski, T; (2000) Architecture, Narrative and Promenade in Benson and Forsyth's Museum of Scotland. Architectural Research Quarterly , 4 (2) 123 - 136.
Turner, A; (2000) Angular analysis: a method for the quantification of space. (CASA Working Paper Series ). Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis, UCL: London.
Turner, A; Chapman, D; Penn, A; (2000) Sketching space. Computers & Graphics , 24 , (6). 10.1016/S0097-8493(00)00089-3.