
The Bartlett Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis


CASA Seminar: Carl Howe, Director of Education, RStudio

12 September 2019, 5:00 pm–6:00 pm


This event is free.

Event Information

Open to







Dr Andrew Maclachlan – UCL Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis


Pearson Building, UCL
Gower Street
United Kingdom

CASA is pleased to announce that we will be hosting a special seminar from Carl Howe, Director of Education at RStudio on Thursday 12th September 2019, 17:00-18:00, G22 Pearson Building.

To register for the seminar, please sign up here.

The Surprising Data Science Killer App: R Markdown and Interactive Dashboards

Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and cutting edge models have become magnets for data science students in academic programs. However, when those same students transition into corporate data science roles, they often discover that the insights derived from these cutting edge models don't get the recognition they expect. For some reason, the rest of the organization "just doesn't get it." This problem here isn't in modeling technologies, but rather in how data science gets communicated outside the data science community. RStudio increasingly sees large organizations using interactive dashboards using R Markdown, HTML widgets, and Shiny apps as ways to make data science come alive for non-data scientists. In this talk, we'll discuss how these technologies have become "killer apps" for many businesses and driven increased use of data science throughout the enterprise. We will also touch on the tools needed to put data science into production more easily.

Carl’s team develop resources for teaching and research using RStudio. You can visit their GitHub here: https://github.com/rstudio-education.

About the Speaker

Carl Howe

Director of Education at R Studio

Carl Howe is Director of Education at RStudio and has been a dedicated R user since 2002. Formerly a data scientist himself, Carl now leads a team of professional educators and data scientists at RStudio whose mission to train the next million R users globally. Carl regularly teaches workshops on topics such as reproducible R Markdown and the use of cloud-based instruction to help R beginners become productive more quickly. Carl lives with his wife Carolyn in Stow, Massachusetts at the pleasure of his two cats.

More about Carl Howe