
The Bartlett Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis


CASA TRUST2 Research Explores Responsible AI for Building Management

27 September 2024

Duncan Wilson, Professor of Connected Environments and Steven Gray, Professor (Teaching) in Spatial Computation, are leading an industrial research project to accelerate trustworthy and responsible AI in the building industry.

Moving a portakabin

Research led by Prof Duncan Wilson and Prof Steven Gray aims to transform building management through artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML).

Funded by Innovate UK as part of the Accelerating trustworthy AI: Phase 2 Collaborative R&D competition, TRUST Phase 2 (TRUST2) is a collaboration with industrial partners in the property, technology and consulting sectors – BlockDox, Portakabin, Verv and D-Fine.

The project aims to provide tools to support environmental, social and governance (ESG) reporting, focusing on energy consumption data and scope 3 emissions. It also aims to inform building design by providing operational data about indoor air quality (IAQ) and occupancy energy use, ultimately enabling building companies to improve operational efficiency by reducing their carbon footprint.

As part of the UK-wide operational pilot, BlockDox and Verv will integrate their AI/ML technologies to develop a system for modular buildings provided by Portakabin. D-Fine will provide oversight as the AI assurance partner, ensuring that the AI/ML algorithms are explainable, trustworthy and responsible.

The team is supported by AI software engineer and researcher, Jack Shiels, who joined CASA as a Research Fellow in June 2024.

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Image: Portakabin