
The Bartlett Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis


MSc/MRes Alumni

2011 – 2012 MRes Advanced Spatial Analysis and Visualisation

Martin Dittus
The Cosm Sensor Data Set - Data Integration of a Sensor Commons

Robin Edwards
Mapping the 2011 London Riots: A Hierarchical Linear Model of the Socio-Spatial Structure of Riot Localities

Jack Harrison
Visualisation Longitudinal Monitoring of Personal Transport Mode from Smartphone-Derived Continuous Sensing Data

Alistair Leak
Wealth and Deprivation: Developing a Consistent Indicator of Deprivation Across the United Kingdom

Ian Morton
A Visual and Mathematical Comparison of European Metro Systems

Flora Roumpani
Towards Procedural Modelling: Representing Classical Urban Theories Using 3D Modelling

2012 – 2013 MRes Advanced Spatial Analysis and Visualisation

Mohammad Abdullah Al Masum
Integrating Digital Data of the Buildings in the Planning Process Towards the Vision of a Digital Earth

Nur Farhana Binti Jafri          
Social Network Analysis on the Epidemiology of Tuberculosis in London

Kostas Cheliotis
Game Engines as Agent-Based Model Platforms: Modelling Social Behaviour in Public Urban Spaces

Nicola Clark
A Spatial and Temporal Study of Prescription Data - A Case Study into the Use of Open Data

Ayana Kito
A Study for Retail Site Locations

Daniel Lam
Spatial Analysis and Visualisation of Incidents Attended by the London Fire Brigade

Emily Mckenzie  
An Exploration of Twitter Reciprocity as a Social Capture Indicator for Disaster Community Resilience

Balamurgan Soundararaj
Network Theory Approach pn Modelling Occurrence of Road Accidents

Yeung Oi Ching
 An Investigation Into Variations of San Francisco 311 Service Performances - A Spatial Regression Approach

Agata Brok
Correlation Between Occupancy of Urban Space and Urban Land Use. Insights with Application of Aggregated Mobile Phone Trace in Central London

2013 – 2014 MRes Advanced Spatial Analysis and Visualisation

Rowan Blaik
The Use of Fundamental GIS Techniques for the Categorisation of Historic Designed Landscape

Sian Elliot
An Exploration of Global Student Migration

Madhi Nayebi
Defining Optimal Perimeters for Busking by Means of Analysing Activity Throughout Time and Space

Oliver Lock
The Use of Automatically-Collected Transport Data in the Spatiotemporal Analysis and Visualisation of Policy Change: A Case Study of the San Francisco Municipal Railways

Konstantinos Nikolau           
Urban Spawl Perdiction Modelling Using Cellular Automata and Neural Networks: The Case Study of Milton Keynes

Evangelos Pouranas
Percentage of Sky Visible From the Streetscape. A Quantitative Analysis of a Qualitative Parameter

Katerina Skroumpelou          
The Effect of Environmental Attributes on the Affective State of Individuals and the Perception of Distance

Lyzette  Zeno Cortes
An Exploration of Street Art in London Through Participating Sensing Data From Instagram

Salman Altuwariki
Testing The Environmental and Economical Validity of Using Accelerated Moving Walkways for Public Transportation

Martin Barner
Multiscale Entropy In The Spatial Context of Cities

David Concannon
Legible Cycling: A Wayfinding Based Route Planner

2014 – 2015 MSc Smart Cities and Urban Analytics

Lídia Vitória             
Network Resilience. Case Study: San Francisco

Sharon Richardson
Measuring Mobile Digital Footprints

Edund Rous-Eyre
 An Analysis of Zipcar Members Using Geodemographics

Patrick Tantra         
Modelling the energy consumption of multiple buildings within UCL Estate using implicit data collection  methods and making the best use of readily available datasets

Da Li
Spatial Analysis of England and Wales Housing Market by Urban Scaling Law and Machine Learning

Honglei Mao
Whether Open Data Is Useful to Sainsbury Track Competitors Movements in the UK?

Carvalho Calvacante
The Role of a Public Space in an Educational Campus

Alina Marin
Detecting Home-Work Patterns in the London Underground Usage from Smart Card Data

Phillipe Valliant
Beyond Commuting Flows: Communities in London throughout time and demographics

Oliver Dawkins
Virtual Planning for Real

2014 – 2015 MRes Advanced Spatial Analysis and Visualisation

Sally-Ann Goold
Using Big Data to Estimate Happiness in Small Areas.

Polly Hudson
Creaking Building Attribute Data to Analyse Demolition in the Building Stock.

Jiang Yuefeng
Improving Air Quality by Data Analysis and Visualisation: Tower Bridge Lift Decision Support System Design

Heidi Mok
Linking Open Data to a Spatial Problem Solving Workflow

Aditya Padhi
Sensor data workflow for cities

Kaisa Hopper-Pusstinen
Sound and the city. Ambient sound and emotions in urban environment.

Tianjiao Xue
Urban Green Space Analysis and Green Network Case Study in Shanghai, China

Keixong Yang
Where to Locate Your Music Venue in London? How Far Can Demographics Inform Such Decisions?

Yiqiang Zhao
Agent-Based Modelling of Underground Emergency Evacuation

Kongying Zhou
Analysis of the Domestic and Non-Domestic Energy Consumption Pattern of London, with Simple Modelling of Potential District Heating Project

Federico Fontani
Usability of Google Trends Data to Support Urban Planning, Management and Policy

Dustin Freitas
An Examination Of The Regeneration of Burgess Park

Shuo Gao
Land Use Transportation Interaction Model in Daily commuting flow: a case study of London MSOAs

Tai Tong Kam
An Investigation in Defining Neighbourhood Boundaries Using Location Based Social Media

Martin Lanoux
19th Century Paris and the Ambition of Smart Technology to Build the Ideal City

2015 – 16 MRes Spatial Data Science and Visualisation

Feng-Yuan Chuang
WonderCity: Modelling the Interactions of Urban Economy, Population, Environment, and Technology for Sustainability Scenario Planning

Anouchka Lettré
Understanding Cyclist Performance and Road Potential for Electric Bikes in the Netherlands Using Python, ArcGis and JavaScript

Suleiman Deni
Detecting Poverty From Mobile Use Patterns. The Case of Milan, Italy.

Thomas Russell
Percolation analysis of the European road network

Angelos Kyratzakos
Analysis and Redistribution of train loading weights on the London Circle and Hammersmith and City lines

Nissa Shahid
Is the London Metropolitan Green Belt a barrier to Sustainable Development?

Luigi Rossi
Modelling Airbnb Growth in New York City

2015 – 2016 MSc Smart Cities and Urban Analytics     

Duccio Aiazzi
Urban form and density: A typo-morphological classification of London's urban landscapes

Juliete Aplin
Visualising differences in Urban Quality of Life. Exploring alternative visual analytic tools for Bristol's Quality of Life data

Diana Armand
The Resilience of Agent Based Modeling: A Conceptual Exploration

Vardahn Chaudhry
Illuminating Segregation in Downtown Dakar Using Mobile Phone Data

Claire Daniel
Towards the Development of a Monitoring System for Planning Policy. Residential Land Uses. A Case Study of London, Chicago, Melbourne and Brisbane

Camilla Desideri
Agent-Based modelling of London Underground disruptions: calculating time as economic loss.

Sarah Hank
Assessing the use of spatial interaction models for estimating flows of asylum seekers to Europe

Bastidas Farjardo
Analysis of the relationship between robberies and vegetation in Bogota.

Hyun Jung Lee
A Geographical Analysis of the Topological Structure and Temporal Travel Patterns of the Seoul Metro Network

Da Li
Research Analysis of England and Wales Housing Market by Urban Scaling Law and Machine Learning

Hua Li
Film-induced tourism in London: measurement and case studies

Jiawei Liu     
Which Architectural Style Evoke More People's Emotional Intensity, by Means of Electrodermal Activity Method

Mengyao Liu
Smell study: the spatial and density estimation analysis of smell in London

Yang Liu
Distinguish different categories of people and understanding different human mobility patterns based on GPS data

Jinghong Lyu
Distribution of PM2.5 in Beijing Metropolitan Area, its Influencing Factors and Land Use Regression Model Development

Honglei Mao
Generalization of DEM Based on Feature Points and Terrain Skeleton

Qiling Mou
Regression Modelling Of NO2 Pollution in Beijing, China Based on Spatial-Temporal Factors

Paul Mullins
Psychological Stages of Development: A New Approach Examining Edward Tufte's Redundancy Principal in Creating Effective Data Visualization

Yanping Pan
Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Housing Price Index in London: Type of Properties, Age of Properties, and High Price Ratio, from 2006 to 2015

Elisabet Gilbert Palma
Improving The Efficiency of Public Services: Exploring urban factors related to citizens' discontentment with street cleaning. The case of Barcelona

Malene Pedersen
A Geodemographic analysis of the visitor flow to public places based on public Wi-Fi data. A case study of Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, London

Xingchi Song
Does one mass shooting trigger another? A study based on the Hawkes Process to examine if there is a contagious nature to the recent mass shootings

Nathan Suberi
Spatial Decision Support Systems for Food Aid Distribution. Synergies of Computational Methods and Human Intuition in Network Design

Ziming Tan
Are major cities in the UK facing housing affordability issues? A study based on seven types of housing composition - evidence from 19 major cities from 2002 to 2013

Rosa Gabriella Oliveira Lima Uchoa
Transport Investment Analysis Through Spatial Interaction Models in Teresina: Assessing BRT Implementation Impacts.

Shu Wang
Internal migration analysis with mobile data in Senegal

Yunyi Wu
Better Wi, Better Shanghai: How Shanghai Metro passenger flow affect choice of setting Wi-Fi hotspots

Peiwen Yang
GIS-Based Analysis of Spatial Accessibility of Urban Green Space in Hangzhou

Siliang Zhang
Analyse whether food environments will affect childhood obesity in London. A study based on spatial analysis

Yuxun Zhang
Behaviour and Demand Analysis on Dock Station in London with Mathematic Models   

Yunyi Zhang
An Agent-Based Simulation Exploring the Impact of Different Types of Bus Stop on Traffic Flow Speed and Bus Service Time under Various Traffic Conditions

2016 – 2017 MSc Smart Cities and Urban Analytics

Diana Armand
An investigation into the effects of an epidemic on household wealth using Agent-Based modelling

William Ashford
An analysis of supervised machine learning models for road traffic forecasting

Jan Chojnacki
Investigating the accessibility to sports facilities: A case study of the borough of Westminster, London

Yu-Che Huang
Understanding Civic Engagement through Data's case study on New York City

Farshid Aryan Khesal    
Optimal site selection of public charging points for plug-in electric vehicles

Miriam Kreuger       
Setting the scene for further investigations into the environment and characteristics of Berlin's vibrant micro-clusters

Mercedes Landa
Metropolitan Spatial Structure: The Valley of Mexico

Zhuoran Li
Adults obesity prevalence estimation in London using spatial microsimulation method

Siyuan Li
Splicing Time - Lazio and the Roman Campagna: Exploring the narrative visualisation of historical places through archival and modern photography

Inigo Mingolarra-Garaizar      
An Introduction To Scaling Laws in England and Wales

Neelam Kaur Kundi
Exploring submarket trends London: a constrained spatial interaction modelling analysis

Pegah Noori Khan
Network Theory Approach on Building Energy Data Case Study - New York and San Francisco

Huidong Qu
Contemporary Tourism in Whitechapel and the East End of London

Nissa Shahid
The London Metropolitan Green Belt a barrier to sustainable development?

Haochen Shi
Explore the relationship between diversity and density of urban activities by POI-basd measurements: case studies of three typical Chinese cities

Konstantina Spanou
Mobility Patterns and Disease Transmission: Preventing Malaria Using Mobile Phone Data

William Squires
Visualizing procedurally generated spatio-temporal city data in virtual reality

Paula White
The Imapct Of the Night Tube On The Westminsters Night Economy

Jie Ziu
Spatio-temporal relations between London bicycle journeys and underground travels in multi-model trips

Kirsten Zeller
Capturing Noise at Night: A spatial-temporal and street-life exploration of noise and busking complaints in the West End

2016 – 2017 MRes Spatial Data Science and Visualisation

Yingshuo Du
The Interaction Between Urban Configurations and land use patterns in Guangzhou

Gabriella Filomena
A Computational Approah to "The Image of the City"

Yufan Guo
An Optimal Algorithm for Time Sensitive Distribution Network Problem with Single Distribution Centre

Julian Ganz
It's the funding, stupid! - Assessing the impact of the Research Excellence Framework through spatial statistics and collaboration network analysis

Miltiadis Giannakopoulos
Application of GIS for modelling and optimisation of electric vehicle

Chenxing He
Urban Safety Perception Investigated = a Deep Learning and Groundtruthing Approach

Dominic Humphrey
The benefits of and methods to calculate land value from price data in the UK

Andrea Imaz
Urban Economies Now and Then

Siyi Liu
An Investigation into the bike repositioning problem for London Cycle Hire Scheme

Noor Lozi
Constructing Amman’s socio-spatial fabric: understanding the spatial distribution of ethnic and socioeconomic groups for more efficient urban initiatives.

Maria Fernanda Carrasal
Measures of the Accessibility Via the Transit System in Bogota: a tool for transport and land use

Mateo Neira
Urban Complexity And Spatial Justice's Measuring Effects Of Urban Morphology On Spatial Inequality and Segregation

Yi Ping
Visualisation The Effects of the New Metro Line on Urban Connection in Guangzhou

Nikoletta Plakomyti    
Urban Mobility and Modelling Demand using Taxi Traces: A Case Study for Thessaloniki

Daniel Smith
Spatial drug discovery: A qualitative evaluation of spatialisation to biomedical knowledge discovery in industry.

Ioannis Toumpalidis
Physical spaces and digital flows navigating through the informational matrix (MRes)

Eleni Tziaferi
Detecting Patterns of Regularity in Physical Activity Behaviour by exploiting Users' data from fitness mobile applications

Weilin Wang
Mining the bike sharing system of New York City

Fan Wu
Feature Analysis and housing price prediction of Airbnb listings: in case of City of London

Wenke Yang
Allocate mini-hubs for freight couriers in London using stopping points

Alvin Yeo
Understanding The London Night Time Economy Using WiFi-Based Footfall Data