
The Bartlett School of Sustainable Construction


The Project Hub

24 June 2024, 6:00 pm–8:00 pm

Project Hub

Join us as we celebrate the launch of The Project Hub!

Event Information

Open to







Professor Martina Huemann


1-19 Torrington Place
Torrington Place

The Bartlett School of Sustainable Construction at UCL has established The Project Hub led by Professor Martina Huemann. 

The Project Hub with a core team of 15 excellent project scholars fosters project research, engages with practice and society with the purpose to co-create a sustainable future.

"We love Projects! They are key in transforming business, industries and society. Every project and programme has the potential to make a positive impact on Prosperity, People and Planet. The right projects need to be selected and financed, and we need to manage and lead them with a future orientation mindset." 

 Professor Martina Huemann, Professor of Project Leadership and Society, Project Hub Director, BSSC UCL

Who we are

With a core team of 15 scholars, led by Professor Martina Huemann, we are the largest team focusing on the management of projects and programmes worldwide, and a leading research area in the Bartlett School of Sustainable Construction at The Bartlett, UCL. Our home, The Project Hub, consolidates BSSC competencies and expertise on the management of projects, developing synergies within and beyond our core team, in the School and with other research centers internationally.

Events and News

Join us at our linkedIn page The Project Hub

Vision and Aim

Our vision is to be the leader in Project Management research worldwide, because … We love projects!

The management of projects and programmes addresses the strategic importance of projects and programmes in delivering economic, environmental, and social value for public and private clients, stakeholders, and society.  A project is considered as a learning and innovation space, a social space and as a co-creation space for future making and the delivery of change in society.  In our research we consider digital and sustainability transitions by projects and we promote projects as change agents to create a sustainable future.

Our aim is to lead high-impact research and engagement activities which solve real world challenges in our society and the global community.

In addition to projects and programmes, we are experts in the areas of project professionals, project teams, project portfolios, project networks, project-based firms, project-oriented organizations, cities, the project society overall and the interplay between these.

How we engage

Our research approach is interdisciplinary, based on the cross-fertilization of organization theory, organization behavior, business, economics, law, philosophy, technology, supply chain, construction, and engineering management. We value the principles of engaged scholarship and research innovation to push the frontiers in project scholarship, to create viable solutions based on rigor and relevance, and to have impact on both theory and practice. Our mindset is future-oriented, and our core values are the co-creation of knowledge and deep engagement in research, education and training. Finally, our high-impact insights are captured in new theory, policy recommendations and practical applications in the built environment and beyond.

For our events visit our LinkedIn page https://www.linkedin.com/company/projecthubucl/about/?viewAsMember=true


  • Welcome
  • The Project Hub Vision
  • Meet The Project Hub core team
  • Future Making by projects and programmes
  • Networking

The Project Hub core team

Prof Martina Huemann is Professor in Project Leadership and Society and the Director of The Project Hub.  She is Editor-in-Chief of the leading journal in Project Management, The International Journal of Project Management and she is Founding-Editor-in Chief of Project Leadership and Society

LinkedIn Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/martinahuemann/

Link to: International Journal of Project Management https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/international-journal-of-project-m...

Link to Project Leadership and Society: https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/project-leadership-and-society

Dr Simon Addyman is Associate Professor in Project Management Simon is Programme Director for MSc Project and Enterprise Management and Director of the Centre for Construction Project Organising. His primary interests lie in understanding construction projects as dynamic processes, the interface between projects and firms, and their role in value creation. In addition to his teaching and research, Simon advises government, professional institutes and private organisations, seeking to bridge the knowledge between theory and practice.

Dr Katharina Burger is Associate Professor in Major Infrastructure Delivery. I am interested in behavioural decision making, city futures and project management, e.g. research in how people make decisions, in groups and organizations, to address wicked problems, for example, equitable urban development and sustainability transitions 

Dr M. Selçuk Çıdık, Associate Professor in Construction and Project Management. My research explores conditions and processes of project value generation, both for society and project stakeholders. I worked seven years in infrastructure construction before I joined academia, and I provide consultancy on strategic management of projects. 

Dr Juliano Denicol is the Director of the Megaproject Delivery Centre at UCL and the founding Programme Director of the MBA Major Infrastructure Delivery. Before joining UCL, Juliano has worked as a supply chain management consultant at High Speed 2, the largest infrastructure project in Europe, and advisor to the European Commission on public procurement policies. Current research areas to improve the performance of megaprojects include:Programme Management, Organisation Design, Procurement, Supply Chain Management, and Systems Integration.  

Dr Roya Derakhshan is lecturer in Project Management Roya has two PhDs from Polytechnic University of Milan and Polytechnic University of Madrid as a part of Erasmus Mundus Doctoral Program. Roya is interested in studying marginalized stakeholders in overlooked contexts and their interactions with and within diverse organizational contexts. Her work has been published in International Journal of Project Management (ABS2), Journal of Business Ethics (ABS3-FT50), Human Relations (ABS4-FT50), among others. She has been guest editor of some Special Issues in International Journal of Project Management and Organization. Roya's research has won several awards including IPMA Young Researcher Award, 2020 and Best Business Ethics Paper in Academy of Management, 2023.

Dr Francesco Di Maddaloni, is a lecturer in Project Studies and Major Infrastructure Delivery at UCL. His research interests are in the areas of stakeholder engagement and cross-sector collaborations in temporary organizing, with a particular focus on the social aspects and value co-creation of major infrastructure and construction projects at the local community level. 

Dr Carlos Galera-Zarco, Associate Professor in Project Management and Business Analytics.  His research interests revolve around Digital Transformation, Servitisation, and Digitalisation. He is currently exploring the challenges and opportunities that AI, Digital Twins, and new digital technologies present for innovation, operations, and new organisational forms. 

Dr Efrosyni Konstantinou, Associate Professor in Strategic Management of Projects. I lead an interdisciplinary programme of research on the politics of the self, in connection with ethics, professionalism and Grand Challenges. I create mindsets for strategic thinking and social transformation.  

Latest research: Personal Code of Ethics (PCoE) Toolkit, The Blind Spot 

Dr Ilias Krystallis, Associate Professor in Engineering Project Management. Ilias has varied research interests that integrate the technical problem-solving skills of engineering with organisational, administrative, and planning skills of management. Ilias interests include uncertainty management, design flexibility, project performance, governance and coordination of complex projects and networks, and organisational change projects. 

Latest research: Flexible Infrastructure Design, Reconfiguration capabilities in infrastructure owners 

Maurizio Sammarco, Lecturer in Management. Maurizio's research interests include project leadership, strategy, change management, innovation, digital transformation and disruption. 

Dr Natalya Sergeeva, Associate Professor in Project Management. My research interests include project leadership, innovation and narratives. I have influenced and impacted project management, innovation management and management studies. I developed and run short courses based on my original research. 

Latest research: https://awards.ipma.world/news/6487/  https://www.ucl.ac.uk/bartlett/construction/news/2023/may/dr-natalya-sergeeva-publishes-new-book-titled-narratives-megaprojects  


Dr Stefano Miraglia - Stefano is Associate Professor of Strategy. He studies the strategic challenges and opportunities arising for project-based firms around technology and innovation management, business model innovation, culture and knowledge management. 

Dr Jean Xu, Associate Professor in Enterprise Management. I take a relational approach to organising projects and project businesses. My research focuses on the wellbeing of construction project stakeholders, such as workers and residents. I'm also interested in the creation of meaningful work.