
The Bartlett Development Planning Unit


Affiliates and associates

DPU associates

DPU Associates are experienced independent professionals engaged in consultancy, research and training who have been members of the academic staff of the DPU.

DPU Associates does not have a legal identity of its own and may not enter into contracts as an organisation. Members of DPU Associates may, of course, be contracted individually, or institutionally through the Development Planning Unit, University College London.

Contact: info@dpu-associates.net
Co-ordinator: Patrick Wakely

Website: dpu-associates.net

Research Fellows

Dr Tom Greenwood
Research Fellow: Digital Platforms for Youth Inclusive Urban Governance
Email: tom.greenwood@ucl.ac.uk
Tel: +44 (0)20 7907 4782 (internal 04782)

Dr Harriet Allsopp
Research Fellow: REFRAME
Email: h.allsopp@ucl.ac.uk

Dr Bruna Ferreira Montuori
Research Fellow: Listen, Learn & Leap
Email: b.montuori@ucl.ac.uk
Tel: +44 (0)20 7679 8116 (internal 08116)