
The Bartlett Development Planning Unit


Amina-Bahja Ekman

Amina-Bahja Ekman has an academic background in Development Studies. She holds an MSc degree in Development Administration and Planning from University College London (The Development Planning Unit) and a BA in Global Studies, with a focus on development and political economy, from the University of Gothenburg, Sweden.   


 Amina-Bahja has  been involved in both research and work including a wide array of development related issues but most specifically political economy,  gender, identities and power in the Horn of Africa.  Amina-Bahja was up until  recently  part of the research team working on the DPU-led project 'The Political Settlement in Somaliland: A Gendered Perspective. Her own research  is focused on the political economy of Somaliland, mainly untangling the  relationship between current  inequalities and the social construction of identity and ethnicity.