
UCL Energy Institute


"Watts the Deal?" - Online peer-to-peer energy trading board game introduction and play-in

23 June 2020, 4:00 pm–5:30 pm

Participants playing peer-to-peer energy game

Want to get people talking about peer-to-peer energy trading and fair low-carbon futures? Find out how the digital board game created by researchers at University College London could help.

Event Information

Open to





Mike Fell

Are you interested in peer-to-peer energy trading, or more generally in low-carbon futures including decentralised energy? And would you like to get others thinking and talking about these ideas? If so, please join us for an introduction and virtual 'play-in' session of Watts the Deal?, the P2P energy trading game.

In P2P energy trading, people and organisations can buy and sell energy between each other. We designed Watts the Deal? to help start discussions about the impacts of this new approach to providing energy. Things like who the winners and losers might be, why, and how benefits might be maximised for all.

The first part of this session will be a short webinar. We will introduce the prototype online version of the game and talk you through how it is played, and how we've used it to promote discussion.

At the end of the webinar, you will have the option to carry on and play the game. You can choose from two ways to do this:

·        You can prearrange a group of people to play with, such as friends or colleagues.

·        Or you can just attend, and we will assign you to a group at the end of the webinar.

You will play the game in your own video meeting, but we will be on Twitter to provide live support and answer any questions you have. (Of course, if you like, you can just join for the introduction webinar and skip the play-in part.)

We hope the session will be useful for people who are considering using the game as a way to start discussions on this topic. This could include in community energy groups, energy suppliers, teachers, with colleagues, etc.

Please click here to book a place.

This event has been organised as part of Community Energy Fortnight.