
UCL Institute for Environmental Design and Engineering


Dr Anna Mavrogianni appointed committee member of CIBSE

29 June 2022

Associate Professor Dr Anna Mavrogianni has been appointed a member of the Knowledge Management Committee at the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers.

Dr Anna Mavrogianni

Dr Anna Mavrogianni, Associate Professor in Sustainable Building and Urban Design at the UCL Institute for Environmental Design and Engineering, has been appointed a member of the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE) Knowledge Management Committee (KMC).

The KMC is a Standing Committee of the Board responsible for implementing the knowledge strategy of CIBSE. KMC is responsible for the development and maintenance of CIBSE knowledge and for management and financial control of the delivery and peer review process. The committee is responsible for measuring and assessing the value and impacts of CIBSE Knowledge outputs on all subjects and in all formats. KMC is also responsible for managing the CIBSE Research Fund and for engaging a broader cross section of CIBSE’s global membership in knowledge delivery.

Dr Anna Mavrogianni is the Deputy Programme Director of the Health, Wellbeing and Sustainable Buildings MSc. She is the module leader for Integrated Building Design for Health, Comfort and Wellbeing, and Natural and Mechanical Ventilation in Buildings of the Environmental Design and Engineering MSc. Anna is an expert in indoor environmental quality, building energy retrofit and climate change adaptation of the built environment sector, with a focus on heat vulnerability and air pollution at the building and urban scale. She is the Principal Investigator or the EPSRC-funded project 'Advancing School Performance: Indoor environmental quality, Resilience and Educational outcomes' (ASPIRE).