
UCL Institute for Environmental Design and Engineering


Lighting and Lighting MSc modules for the 2025/26 academic year

Explore the different modules you will take studying Light and Lighting MSc in the 2025/26 academic year.

An aerial photo on people walking through and architecturally interesting building
Light and Lighting MSc is one of the world's most comprehensive master’s degrees in Light and Lighting. We bring together the technical and creative sides of lighting design, to offer an extensive package of knowledge and skills that are employed across the lighting industry and built environment. You will learn to design lighting as an integrated component of architecture, utilising exciting advances in science and technology whilst taking into consideration human responses to the lit environment.

What compulsory modules will I take?

Lighting Fundamentals

This is a fundamental module in the Light & Lighting MSc programme. It provides an introduction to the tools of lighting: natural light, lighting technologies and basic design calculations. The module addresses the fundamental definitions of lighting and the human response to light, as well as basic lighting engineering calculations for both daylighting and electric lighting.

Module Learning Outcomes:

1.    Apply a comprehensive knowledge of the human response to light, the physiological underpinning to psychophysical phenomena related to light and lighting, and fundamental lighting engineering definitions and calculations (both daylighting and electric lighting)

2.    Understand and evaluate lamp and luminaire technologies including main performance characteristics and limitations

3.    Select and apply appropriate fundamental techniques in lighting calculations and analysis, discussing the limitations of the techniques employed

4.    Generate conceptual design solutions using appropriate codes of practice and industry standards, including adoption of an integrated approach to the conceptual design of daylighting and electric lighting strategies

5.    Use practical and laboratory and workshop skills to investigate lighting applications and problems including evaluation and mitigation of risks

6.    Recognise the benefits and importance of an inclusive approach to lighting that supports equality, diversity, and inclusion

7.    Select and critically evaluate relevant lighting literature from the specialist lighting knowledge base

8.    Present appearance, design, and technical information in a coherent manner

9.    Prepare and communicate effectively schematic design proposals

10.    Communicate effectively in writing on lighting concepts and technicalities, evaluating the effectiveness of the methods used

Lighting Design Calculations

This module explores the mathematical models and physical concepts of illumination and compares them to the physical reality of the luminous environment. Students will develop an understanding of how photometry is used in quantitative lighting design, and skills in using computational tools to perform both basic and complex lighting calculations. 

Module Learning Outcomes:

1.    Identify and understand relevant technical literature from the specialist lighting knowledge base.

2.    Understand the technical basis of photometry.

3.    Understand the mathematical models of lighting and their application.

4.    Select and apply appropriate computational and analytical techniques to model the lit environment, discussing the limitations of the techniques employed.

Health, Comfort and Wellbeing in the Built Environment

This module introduces the notions of health and well-being within the context of the built environment, with a particular focus on buildings. It provides an overview of the main factors affecting health, well-being, human performance, and comfort in building design/operation. Basic principles of different aspects of Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ), i.e., light, acoustics, temperature and air quality and their multi-modal effects on health and well-being. The module lays the foundations for key issues associated with health and well-being in the built environment and provides students with an opportunity to develop their learning further via a literature review, field measurements, and observation.

Module Learning Outcomes:

1. Define the meaning of the terms: ‘health,’ ‘wellbeing,’ ‘comfort’ and ‘human performance’ (HWCP), within the context of the built environment, whilst considering equality, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) factors.
2. Interpret indoor environment standards and the relevant scientific literature.
3. For selected IEQ parameters (i.e., temperature, light, sound, air quality, etc.), discuss the main HWCP impacts, and the approaches/standards to identifying safe/risk levels.
4. Account for the impact of the indoor environment on human health, comfort, and performance in an indoor built environment.
5. Perform a systematic review based on a given search string for the latest year.
6. Provide a critical review of the evidence from searched published sources.
7. Perform a building inspection task and list the systems and operations related to IEQ. List the main systems and operations which affect

Integrated Lighting Design

The module builds on fundamental knowledge and skills from other Light & Lighting modules; it takes theory into practice and gives students an opportunity to develop their design skills including collaboration and presentation, verbally and by portfolio. Students work in teams to respond to a complex, real-world challenge from analysis through concept to detailed design. Emphasis is on combining strategies for daylight, electric lighting – interior and exterior – and control into a coherent project proposal. The report on which the project is assessed represents a fully documented, creative lighting scheme with technical specification.

Computational Design for Sustainable Buildings

This module introduces a number of computational design support methods for sustainable buildings involving the use of building performance simulation tools and parametric modelling platforms. In design, having multiple conflicting objectives is the rule rather than the exception. This module will introduce you to new tools and methods to help tackle those design tensions. It will give you practical experience in using 3D parametric modelling and environmental simulation tools together with advanced optimisation techniques to explore design trade-offs. These techniques will be applied to a range of environmental design strategies, for example, to utilise and control solar radiation, enhance daylighting design of buildings and balance daylight provision, overheating and energy use.

Module Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this course, students will be able to:
1.    Understand and use computational tools for sustainable building design.
2.    Understand the different computational design techniques and methods available and their advantages, disadvantages, limitations and challenges.
3.    Apply building performance simulation to analyse and assess the trade-offs for environmental design problems.
4.    Critically evaluate building performance simulation findings and assess their role in informing the design of sustainable buildings.
5.    Frame a multi-objective optimisation design problem, identifying the relative importance of the different design drivers and constraints.
6.    Understand the limitations and merits of parametric design methods in general, and know when and how to apply these techniques.

Lighting Innovation and Sustainability

This module will explore the evolution of lighting design, technologies and sustainability over time, to give students a full understanding of the historical context of lighting design in practice. It will also address how design approaches and sustainable lighting choices have been influenced by the technology of the time. 
Module Learning Outcomes: 
1.    Select and evaluate lighting related technological innovations achieved over time and critically link those to societal changes, natural resources available and physics and mathematical advances of each era as well as the philosophic context for these discoveries 

2.    Understand ethical concerns relating to light pollution and the investigate the relevance of lower light levels with small experiment. Evaluate the environmental and societal impact of solutions to complex problems such as the lifecycle of luminaires and minimise adverse impacts. Discuss on the limitations of lighting measurement instruments versus the human visual system.  

3.    Select and critically evaluate technical literature and other sources of information to review accomplished projects and evaluate their daylight/artificial lighting shortcomings. Compose conclusions and offer critical views seen from within a context of many parameters such as the built environment, sustainability, use, qualitative lighting criteria etc. 

4.    Understand and evaluate how inclusive design is applied in the field of lighting design or lighting engineering practice and recognise the groups of individuals, natural elements, their specific needs and how they are affected.

Lighting Controls Design

In this module you will learn how to design a lighting control system to meet people’s needs in different environments and to understand the practical and environmental implications and consequences of your design. This is a structured design module in which you will be guided through the relevant theory so that you can make informed lighting control design decisions.

Module Learning Outcomes:

1.    Understand, evaluate and appreciate how the aesthetics of a lighting design control system are inextricably linked to the underlying communications and electrics.

2.    Develop skills and knowledge to design and implement a lighting control system to meet users’ requirements considering the components behind the system. This includes specific knowledge regarding the implications of a control system design on the electric installation, including an awareness of the importance of correct specification of fuses and cable sizes.

3.    Understand different lighting control protocols, the process and logic behind software engineering for lighting controls, and the functions and methods of system optimisation.

4.    Understand the application of object oriented design as a method to designing complex systems where lighting is just one of many services provided.

5.    Consider how users interact with lighting control systems and understand the implications for the built environment and sustainability both locally and globally.

What optional modules do I have to choose from?

Aesthetics and Creative Lighting

This module provides a comprehensive exploration of the aesthetics of creative lighting design, encompassing daylighting and electric lighting approaches and the juxtaposition of the two. Assessment of the qualities of aesthetics via a portfolio will be made using both qualitative and quantitive methods informed by both the art and science of lighting. Sketching will be encouraged to facilitate observation of lighting conditions. 

Students will learn some of the fundamental approaches to lighting design. This will include colour theory, Gestalt principles of perception, Richard Kelly’s theory on the balance of Focal Glow, Ambient Luminescence and Play of Brilliants and Kevin Lynch's urban design theory.

Students will use these principles to create captivating visual experiences. Through a combination of theoretical tuition and practical workshops, students will develop the skills necessary to conceptualise, design, and implement innovative lighting solutions.

Systems Thinking and System Dynamics

What you will learn:

  • Thinking systemically
  • Seeing issues in interrelation
  • Understanding the relationship of structure and behaviour
  • Conceptualising problems
  • Causal loop diagramming
  • System dynamics model building and analysis
  • Testing model validity

You will learn this by:

  • Exploring existing models
  • Modelling problems with vivid, well-known structure and dynamics
  • Modelling personally chosen problems
Circular Economy in the Built Environment

This module will introduce the concept of the Circular Economy which aims to keep resources in the environment at their highest utility and particularly focusses on applications in the Built Environment. Construction and demolition waste is one of the largest sources of waste on the planet, this module starts with the hypothesis that better design of materials and components used in the built environment can reduce this waste stream, and keep valuable resources in their most useful state for as long as possible. The module will explore all aspects of this concept including business model analysis and development. Students will be expected to choose a component used in the built environment and use business model analysis and creative design ideas to suggest improvements to both the component and to make the business case for it.

Inclusive Design

This module introduces the concept of inclusive design (also known as universal design) within the context of health and wellbeing in the built environment. It explores the built environment from a variety of people-related factors, such as disability, age and gender, and their implication within a diversity of building and environment types. The implementation of legislation, standards and guidelines for accessibility and inclusive design is demonstrated and discussed, alongside recent developments and debates on inclusive design.

Module aim and learning outcomes: Upon successful completion of the module, you should be able to:

  • Understand the relevance of unconscious bias and discrimination in the design of the built environment;
  • Identify user needs as they relate to a variety of people-related factors, such as disability, health and wellbeing conditions, neurodiversity, age, gender, reproductive health, family and caring responsibilities, religious and cultural backgrounds, socioeconomic status and social exclusion;
  • Develop a holistic understanding towards potential barriers and challenges in the full experience of the built environment and their impact on user access, safety, participation, and health and wellbeing;
  • Assess an existing building following inclusive design principles and provide strategies on how to make the environment more inclusive;  
  • Appreciate the value of user consultation and participatory design, and of implementing inclusive design from the earliest stage of a project, through all design stages and during occupancy and operation;  
  • Identify and interpret key legislation, standards and guidelines for accessibility and inclusive design in the UK and internationally, and understand their application in practice; and
  • Articulate the importance, benefits and positive impact (e.g., economic, sustainable, social) of designing for equality, diversity and inclusion in the built environment, and how designing inclusively helps in meeting the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Machine Learning in Smart Buildings

The module focuses on the applications of Machine Learning towards improving building operation.

Through a series of case studies, this module will introduce you to applications of machine learning and the potential of such models to making buildings smarter. The case studies will draw upon applications in areas like occupant modelling, performance prediction, building services and their control.

Through the lens of these case studies relevant machine learning algorithms and tools will be presented to provide grounding on:

  • Machine learning model-development basics (hyperparameters, validation sets, overfitting, underfitting)
  • Regression (e.g. Support Vector Machine, Gaussian Processes)
  • Clustering (e.g. k-means clustering)
  • Reinforcement learning
  • Advanced topics (deep neural networks, convolutional neural networks)

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