
The Bartlett


The Impact Hub

The Bartlett x Waltham Forest Hub: Connecting Policy and Research for Impact.

Yellow twisted cable on a yellow background
The Impact Hub creates connections within the Faculty, across UCL, and with external partners to share expertise.

Over 2023/24 we are supporting the development of joint working structures and relationships between UCL and the London Borough of Waltham Forest.

We are testing and learning from a range of approaches to support the integration of research, data and co-produced understanding of need with key council priority areas relating to the built environment. 

This pilot is supported by UCL’s Innovation and Enterprise, Higher Education Innovation Fund. The pilot is being led by a team across the Faculty and UCL, including:

  • Dr Gemma Moore, Faculty Lead for Impact
  • Dr Claire McAndrew, Bartlett School of Architecture
  • Dr Julie Hipperson, Bartlett School of Planning
  • Briony Fleming, UCL East

We are creating and delivering innovative approaches for collaborative, impactful knowledge-exchange activity through:

  • Events including ‘Thinking Impact’ focused on the topic of retrofit held in July 2023, attended by 10 staff from Waltham Forest and 10 staff and students from The Bartlett
  • An Impact Fellow (Policy) working with Waltham Forest between September-December 2024, feeding evidence and insights into a developing policy area – the Welcome Hubs
  • Supporting the development of policy engaged-educational projects on a BSc in STEaPP focused on ‘Policy Co-design’

We will evaluate and learn from The Bartlett x Waltham Forest Hub to develop plans to support sustained partnerships with impact in mind.

For more information please contact: Dr Gemma Moore at gemma.moore@ucl.ac.uk.