
The Bartlett School of Planning


Planning Research and Education in Partnership with Communities

25 June 2024, 10:00 am–5:00 pm

Research and education

Join us for an interactive workshop discussion on the challenges, opportunities, best practices, and impact of collaborative work between researchers and communities. The workshop consists of three panel discussions and a general workshop discussion, focusing on community and planning education, co-producing planning research, broadening community voices on policy-making, as well as circumstances and agendas for community-university collaboration. This workshop is the first of a series of an annual events that aim to bring together different stakeholders to explore topics related to community engagement in planning.

Event Information

Open to





Pablo Sendra


Waterloo Action Centre (Rear Room)
14 Baylis Road

You are invited to participate in this event about creating partnerships with communities in planning research and education. This is an open event, which will bring communities together with researchers to discuss the challenges, opportunities, best practices, and impact of collaborative work between researchers and communities.

The event consists of two parts. The first part will be three panel discussions with contributions from community groups and researchers on the following topics: community and planning education, co-producing planning research, and broadening community voices on policy-making. The second part will be a workshop discussion on communities-university collaboration.


10:00 – 10:30 - Arrivals with coffee/tea

10:30 – 10:45 - Introduction

10:45 -  Panel 1: Community and Planning Education


  • Ethan Mc Donnell and Patrick O’Mahoney, UCL students
  • David Kaye, Kilburn Neighbourhood Planning Forum 
  • Mary Arnold, Kilburn Neighbourhood Forum and South Kilburn Trust

Chair: Elena Besussi, UCL

11:30 - Panel 2: Co-producing planning research

  • Richard Lee, Just Space and EstateWatch
  • Angus Robertson, Alton Action
  • Toby Laurent Belson, Community artist/activist based in North Kensington

Chair: Pablo Sendra, UCL

12:15 - Panel 3: Broadening community voices on policy-making

  • Jonah Earle, Peoples Economy
  • Krissie Nicholson, East End Trades Guild
  • Myfanwy Taylor, UCL

Chairs: Jessica Ferm and Ben Hughes, UCL

13:00 - Lunch

14:30 – 16:30 - Workshop discussion on community-led agendas for research and processes of collaboration

16:30 - Conclusions

17:00 – 18:00 - Networking

This event is co-organised by three research clusters at the Bartlett School of Planning: Community Engaged Planning Research, Innovation in Planning Education, and Everyday Economies. Members of these clusters will be facilitating the discussions, under Chatham House Rule—this means that participants are free to use/quote the information discussed during the workshop, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker(s), nor that of any other participant, may be revealed. From the discussions, we will produce a short summary report each discussion, which we will share with participants and in UCL website.