
The Bartlett School of Planning


Measuring Quality - Best Value in Planning and Urban Design

Measuring Quality - Best Value in Planning and Urban Design was funded by the Economic and Social Research Council in 2001 - 2003


In the UK, planning practice has often been distorted by externally imposed measurement practices, that reduce planning effectiveness to simple performance indicators. This project aimed to explore how a more holistic notion of measurement could be developed, one which measured qualitative as well as quantitative dimensions of planning performance.


Professor Matthew Carmona
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Carmona M (2003) 'Planning Indicators in England - A Top-down Evolutionary Tale' Built Environment, Vol. 29, No.4, pp281-295

Carmona M & Sieh L (2004) Measuring Quality in Planning, Managing the Performance Process, London, Spon Press

Carmona M & Sieh L (2005) 'Performance Measurement Innovation in English Planning Authorities', Planning Theory and Practice, Vol.6, No.3, pp303-333

Carmona M (2007) Tomorrow Series Paper 8: Monitoring Outcome Quality in Planning - Challenges and Possibilities, London, Town & Country Planning Association

Carmona M & Sieh L (2008) 'Performance Measurement in Planning - Towards a Holistic View', Environment & Planning C: Government and Policy Vol 26, No 2, pp428-454 


The research has informed a number of reviews of English planning performance indicators and follow-up government funded work on local environmental quality.

Performance Research