
UCL Department of Biochemical Engineering


New EPSRC funding for CDT in Bioprocess Engineering Leadership

4 February 2019

UCL has been awarded more than £40m of funding for seven Centres for Doctoral Training (CDTs) including £5.5 million for UCL Biochemical Engineering's existing CDT in Bioprocess Engineering Leadership.

Professor Gary Lye in biochemical engineering laboratory

The UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) has today announced the outcome  of their 2018 Centres for Doctoral Training (CDT) exercise. £446 million will be invested in 75 centres to support doctoral level skills development.

The new funding leverages existing UCL research and training infrastructure and will support a minimum of 50 new EngD Research Engineers over the next five years.

The CDT Director, Professor Gary Lye (Head of Department), said: “The new funding will enable us to address research challenges associated with the manufacture of the next generation of complex biological products such as cell and gene therapies. The future EngD graduates will be critical in delivering the commercial and clinical potential of these new types of therapy. I would particularly like to thank the 35 company partners that supported the proposal and helped secure the EPSRC award”.

The department also supported a related CDT proposal on ‘BioDesign Engineering’  led by Imperial College in partnership with UCL and the University of Manchester. This is complementary to the manufacturing focus of the Bioprocess Engineering CDT as it will exploit advances in synthetic biology to design the biological catalysts used in these future manufacturing processes.
