
UCL Department of Biochemical Engineering


Erasmus student joins Grand Challenge team working on vaccine production

13 June 2019

Leonie Wittmann (pictured right) has joined UCL Biochemical Engineering from the Technical University of Munich as an Erasmus student, working on vaccine production.

Erasumus student in UCL Biochemical Engineering Pilot Plant

We’re pleased to welcome Leonie to the team for the duration of the summer. Leonie is working with Post-Doctoral Researcher Lina Mikaliunaite (pictured on the right) who is working on optimising production process in yeast for animal vaccine manufacture as part of the Global Challenge Research Fund consortium. The team is working with the University of Kent, Imperial University, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and collaborators in Thailand and South East Asia.

Leonie is about to begin the final year of her master’s degree in the Technical University of Munich and will be at UCL Biochemical Engineering until the end of August.

“UCL is very much an industry-focused institution that strong links with manufacturers, which is the same as my home institution of the Technical University of Munich which is one of the reasons why I am enjoying this Erasmus placement at UCL Biochemical Engineering.” Said Leonie