
UCL Division of Biosciences


Technology Platforms

We host several facilities which support researchers with technical expertise and provide essential services both within the department and across the Division of Biosciences and UCL.
fish facility

The UCL Zebrafish Facility has a team dedicated to the implementation and improvement of fish welfare.  The Facility has conducted many projects with welfare at its heart, and has created a biosecure fish room comprised of four separate multi-rack systems and several standalone and bench top systems. It offers a number of different services related to husbandry, welfare and training. The Facility can also supply wildtype and other zebrafish lines maintained in the stock centre, either as breeding adults or as embryos, to the community. The Facility maintains around 400 genetically distinct lines - approximately 70,000 fish, with capacity to hold at least 150,000. 

For more information, contact Heather Callaway, Manager or, for specific enquiries, visit contact details.


The Centre for Cell and Molecular Dynamics (CCMD) has extensive expertise in running advanced light microscopy imaging systems and are equipped with two Leica SP8 confocal microscopes one with 2-Photon and FLIM capability, two Zeiss Airyscan 980s (inverted and upright) one with a 2-photon laser, 3 Leica SPEs, a Renishaw Raman Invia microscope, an Olympus IX81 widefield live cell imaging system, a Leica Thunder fluorescence Stereoscope, a Zeiss Axioscan Slide scanner, a Zeiss Lightsheet microscope, a Zeiss LSM 980 upright 2-photon laser, a Zeiss LSM 800, a Zeiss Elyra 7 Lattice SIM microscope and a Nikon X-Ray CT XTH225 scanner.

For more information, contact Christopher Thrasivoulou.


The Biosciences Electron Microscopy Facility has two Transmission Electron Microscopes and one Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope. The facility also contains a sample preparation laboratory, with a range of preparation equipment. It is run as a multiuser facility or on a service basis, which allows users the choice as to the level of involvement they wish to have.

For more information, contact Tom Hawkins.


The Biosciences Molecular Biology Facility hosts an array of equipment to help with all of your Molecular needs, including PCR and qPCR machines, Chemidoc MP and XRS for Western Blot analysis and DNA/RNA gels. Nanodrop and Experion machines are also available for determining DNA/RNA concentration and quality. The Facility also provides services for DNA cloning-mutagenesis, DNA preps and provides competent cells as well as training and advice on molecular techniques.

For more information, contact Bill Andrews.


The Invertebrate Media Preparation Facility supports labs across the Division and beyond who use Drosophila melanogaster and C. elegans in their research. The facility provides Drosophila growth media in various formats as well as plates with regular nematode growth medium or more specialised media. Specialist equipment in the facility includes the Joni Multimix kettle, Systec MediaFill and MediaPrep systems.

For more information, contact (fly-related) Marc Amoyel and (worm-related) Laura Molina-Garcia or Carla Lloret Fernandez.