
UCL Cancer Institute


UCL Cancer Domain Early Career Network official launch

07 June 2019, 4:45 pm

UCL Cancer Domain Early Careers Network

The first of a series of events for the UCL cancer community, this official launch event will focus on resilience and overcoming adversity. Researchers at different career stages (PhD students, postdocs, early career Principal Investigators) will share their stories of success and failure.

Event Information

Open to





UCL Cancer Domain ECN


G08 Sir David Davies LT
Roberts Building
Torrington Place

As researchers, rejection, failure and adversity are part of our everyday life. However, when we hear from successful researchers, the focus is usually on success and achievement, something which can make early career researchers feel inadequate. In the UCL Cancer Domain Early Careers Network we aim to bring together researchers in a community where failure is visible and authenticity becomes the norm. In this context, we are pleased to announce our official launch, where we will hear from researchers at different career stages (PhD students, postdocs, early career principal investigators) sharing their stories of failure and how these transformed them. This will be followed by two talks from members of the UCL Career Consultants team and UCL Human Resources. The event will close with a networking session where lunch and coffee will be provided, giving the opportunity to explore the fascinating diversity of career paths taken by members of the UCL cancer community, as well as opportunities for cross-disciplinary research collaboration.

Self-defining early career researchers of all disciplines are invited, including those who are working in fields not classically associated with cancer research such as nutrition, environment, architecture, physical sciences, engineering, anthropology, psychology, along with those in biological, analytical, population, and clinical sciences.