
Centre for Ecology and Evolution


Autumn Symposium and Mixer

Autumn Symposium and Mixer is CEE event at the start of the academic term in September hosted at the Linnean Society. We bring together speakers from all the committees for a series of 10 min talks.



Friday 13th September 2024 - Queen Mary, University of London


Gemma Murray, University College London - ‘The evolution of pathogenicity in a member of the pig respiratory microbiota’
Tom Smith, Imperial - ‘Eco-evolutionary dynamics of microbial community responses’
Belen Arias. Natural History Museum, London - ‘From the midnight zone to the abyss: what we know about life in the deep sea’
Anna Bazzicalupo, Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew - ‘Evolution of cross-tolerance to metals in yeast’
Nahema Venceslai, Royal Holloway, University of London - ‘Seed persistence in black grass’
Muyao Qi, Imperial - ‘The spatial distribution of ectomycorrhizal fungi in Europe'
Emma Moffett. King’s College London - ‘Temperature predicts the somatic growth of ectotherms in the lab but not in the field’
Simon Kentworthy, Institute of Zoology, Zoological Society of London - ‘Smartificial Fruits: participation, cognition and social learning of touchscreen tasks by wild desert baboons’
Lachlan Jones. Royal Holloway, University of London - ‘Nectar chemistry effects on bee parasites’
Rosie Bridgewater, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine - ‘Exploring the Divergent Microbiomes of Lab-Reared Mosquitoes at LSHTM’
Michael Berthaume, King’s College London - ‘An evolutionary biomechanics perspective on the evolution of knee sesamoids in primates’
Claire Duncan, Institute of Zoology, Zoological Society of London - ‘Quantifying and identifying coastal conservation solutions’
Felix Lim, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew - ‘Building climate-resilient food systems through diversification’
James Mulqueeney, Natural History Museum, London - ‘Deep learning for comprehensive 3D image segmentation and analysis of volumetric changes in planktonic foraminifera’
Eugenie “Charley” Yen, Queen Mary University of London - ‘Epigenetics for conservation: monitoring thermal stress in endangered sea turtles’
Denis Larkin, Royal Veterinary College - ‘Convergent nucleotide evolution and selection in acclimation of wild species and domestic breeds’
Nancy Bird, University College London - ‘Genetic data uncovers historical migrations in people from West and Central Africa’
Andrea Gaede, Royal Veterinary College - 'Neural specialisations for sensory control of locomotion'
Roman Arguello, Queen Mary University of London - ‘Evolution of Sensory Systems’


Queen Mary, University of London Logo

Royal Society Publishing

Friday 8th September 2023 - King's College London


Anish Banerjee, Imperial College London - 'Understanding the drivers of spatiotemporal patterns of the fox and badgers of Silwood Park'
Patricia Brekke, Institute of Zoology, Zoological Society of London - 'Using long-term datasets to understand adaptation in wild, threatened species'
Aline Da Silva Cerqueira, King's College London - 'Climate Change on the North and Northeastern Coasts of Brazil: Challenges and Opportunities for Supporting Biodiversity and Coastal Livelihoods'
Julian Drewe, Royal Veterinary College - 'Climate change and infectious disease epidemiology'
Ebenezer Foster-Nyarko, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine - 'Genomic diversity of Escherichia coli from human-habituated monkeys in the Gambia'
Cristina Garcia, Royal Holloway, University of London -  'Genetic, phenotypic, and environmental factors driving tree responses to extreme drought events'
Patrick Hooper, The Natural History Museum, London - 'Protist diversity in cyanobacterial mats decreases with latitude across the Canadian Arctic (55-83°N)'
Aaron Le Blanc, King's College London - 'Constraints, selective pressures, and the convergent evolution of "mammalian enamel": new case studies in fossil and extant lepidosaurs'
Joanne Littlefair, Queen Mary, University of London - 'Answers in the air: monitoring changes in terrestrial biodiversity with environmental DNA'
Hana Merchant, Royal Holloway, University of London - 'Local adaptation in South African mole-rats (Cryptomys hoLentotus hoLentotus) populations along an aridity gradient'
Richard Nichols, Queen Mary, University of London - 'Adapting to climate change - don't be ridiculous'
Charlie Outhwaite, University College London - 'The interactive effects of land use and climate change on global insect biodiversity'
Natalie Pettorelli, Institute of Zoology, Zoological Society of London - 'Conservation under rapid climatic changes: the case for rewilding'
Samual Pironon, Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew - 'Adapting agriculture to climate change: plant agrodiversity to the rescue'
David Redding, The Natural History Museum, London - 'Climate change impacts on zoonotic diseases'
Androniki Psifidi, Royal Veterinary College - 'How genomic selection may improve the interaction between livestock and the environment'
Marybel Soto Gomez, Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew - 'Genome size is positively correlated with extinction risk in herbaceous angiosperms'
Joseph Williamson, University College London - 'Too Hot to Handle'

CEE Autumn Symposium 2023



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Royal Society Publishing


Friday 25th November 2022 - The Linnean Society of London



Elisabeth Busch-Nentwich, Queen Mary, University of London - ‘Exploring phenotypic robustness during development using zebrafish’
Masaya Iijima, Royal Veterinary College - ‘Discovery of a Bronze Age crocodylian Hanyusuchus from southern China and its human-induced extinction’
Elli Leadbeater, Royal Holloway, University of London - ‘Ecology dictates the value of memory for foraging bees’
Florencia Camus, University College London - ‘Contribution of mitonuclear genomes to local adaptation’
Francesc Col, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine - ‘Harnessing bacterial within-host diversity to study short-sighted evolution and adaptation of bacterial pathogens’
Mahika K. Dixit, Imperial College London - ‘Surprising consistency of insect pollinator body-size through time, despite differences in responses among life-history groups’
Juri Felix, Royal Holloway, University of London - ‘Consequences of climate matching for oak resistance to herbivory’
Carla Greco, The Natural History Museum, London - ‘Under the ice: Investigating Antarctic stromatolites using next-generation sequencing’
Dr Nicola Kühn, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew - ‘Belowground traits to cope with Climate Change’
Dr Benedikt Kuhnhäuser, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew - ‘Innovating species identification through next-generation DNA barcoding’
Christopher Laumer, The Natural History Museum, London - ‘Nanopore transcriptome skimming: a promising strategy for meiofaunal biodiversity assessment’
Alice Leavey, Royal Veterinary College - ‘Modelling the effect of different skeletal proportions on hindlimb kinematics in frogs’
Andrew Leitch, Queen Mary, University of London - ‘Genome downsizing after polyploidy: mechanisms, rates and selection pressures’
Jason Lynch, University College London - ‘Re-building Reefs through digital visualisation’
Heidi Ma, Institute of Zoology, Zoological Society of London - ‘Hainan gibbon conservation in a human landscape – challenges and opportunities’
Donal Smith, Institute of Zoology, Zoological Society of London -



Royal Society Publishing



Friday 20th September 2019 - The Linnean Society of London



David Allen, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine - 'Understanding virus evolution in the human population'
Chris Basu, Royal Veterinary College - TBC
Monika Bohm, Institute of Zoology, Zoological Society of London - 'The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Ten years+ of the Sampled Red List Index'
Alex Bond, Natutal History Museum - 'The shearwater and the bottlecap: plastics pollution and its effects on wildlife'
Jessica Bryant, University of Roehampton - 'Does the early baboon catch the (Guinea) worm? Understanding how baboon ecology contributes to Guinea worm transmission in Ethiopia'
Peter Gasson, Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew - 'Seeing the wood from the trees – wood inside and out'
James Hansford, Institute of Zoology, Zoological Society of London - 'How did animals go extinct before the Anthropocene?'
Aida Gomez-Robles, University College London - 'The evolution of human altriciality and brain plasticity in comparative context'
Peter Graystock, Imperial College London - 'Engineering bumblebee microbiomes to increase host tolerance to pesticides'
Danniella Hodgson, Royal Holloway, University of London - 'The dynamics, interaction and impacts of plastics on the Isle of Cumbrae, Scotland'
Debroah Harvey, Royal Holloway, University of London - 'Connecting children with the biodiversity in their school grounds'
Richard Nichols, Queen Mary, University of London - 'Geology meets genomics'
Jasmine Ono, University College London - 'Mapping of speciation genes that cause yeast hybrid sterility'
Abbey Page, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine - 'Fathers, grandmothers and siblings: the future of studying cooperative reproduction in humans'
Stuart Semple, University of Roehampton - 'Compression as a universal principle of biological information systems'
Elisabetta Versace, Queen Mary, University of London - 'Where do ideas come from? The chick and the origins of knowledge'
Juan Viruel, Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew - 'From specimen to spoon: squeezing out genomic information to provide food security and inform conservation in yams'
Bonnie Webster, Natural History Museum - 'The sex lives of schistosomes; interrelationships of the S. haematobium species group'
Ashleigh Wiseman, Royal Veterinary College - 'How to reconstruct hominin locomotion from fossil tracks: a biomechanical approach'






Friday 28th September 2018 - The Linnean Society of London



Emily Bailes, Royal Holloway, University of London – ‘Investigating the transmission of bee viruses at flowers’
Cristina Banks-Leite, Imperial College London – ‘Causes and consequences of community turnover in tropical ecosystems’
Julia Day, University College London – ‘Evolution and Ecology of African fish radiations’
Ryan Felice, Natural History Museum – ‘From head to tail: the developmental origins of vertebrate phenotype’
China Hanson, Queen Mary, University of London – ‘Hot bacteria in the cold Arctic: why are they there and what does it tell us about marine microbial biogeography?’
Zerina Johanson, Natural History Museum – ‘Evo-devo of a unique shark dentition’
Andrew Leitch, Queen Mary, University of London – ‘Genome size and polyploidy – selection pressures under nitrogen and phosphorus limitation’
Gwilym Lewis, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew – ‘There`s far more to legumes than just peas and beans’
Laura Martinez-Suz, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew – ‘Which factors control the main nutritional mutualism of dominant trees in Europe?’
Krijn Michael, Royal Veterinary College – ‘Functional morphological analysis of terrestrial feeding in amphibious fish’
Samraat Pawar, Imperial College London – ‘Metabolic constraints on complex ecosystems’
Alex Pigot, University College London – ‘Global warming and the timing of biodiversity exposure to novel climates’
Steve Portugal, Royal Holloway, University of London – ‘The inception of a killer: development physiology of avian brood parasites’
Chris Richards, Royal Veterinary College – ‘Frogs: built for jumping (and for everything else)’
Anne Visscher, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew – ‘Extremophily in Aizoaceae seeds’



Friday 22nd September 2017 - The Linnean Society of London



Florencia Camus, University College London - 'Diet and fitness: what we want is not always what we need'
Jorn Cheney, Royal Veterinarian College - 'Extra elastic skin: unusual patterns of elastin in bat wing skin and its potential consequences on flight'
Chris Faulkes, Queen Mary’s, University of London - 'African mole-rats - adaptations to extreme subterranean lifestyles'
Laurent Frantz. Queen Mary’s, University of London - 'Palaeogenomics of pre-Columbian dogs'
Lena Grinsted, Royal Holloway, University of London - 'The social life of spiders'Peter Olson, Natural History Museum - 'Planarians to parasitism: how to make a flatworm parasite'
Nathan Kenny, Natural History Museum - 'Evolution on ice: molecular adaptations to temperature in Antarctic sponge populations'
Laura Martinez Suz, Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew - 'Drivers of ectomycorrhizal diversity'
Laura Porro, Royal Veterinarian College - 'One giant leap: reconstructing anatomy and locomotion in a fossil frog'
Rudiger Riesch, Royal Holloway, University of London - 'Phenotypic diversity along a gradient of light'
Max Telford, University College London - 'Understanding Xenoturbella’s evolution: trees, genomes and cells'
Alexa Varah, Institute of Zoology, Zoological Society of London - 'Minimising environmental trade-offs in the battle against herbicide resistance'
Maria Vorontsova, Royal Botanica Gardens, Kew - 'Using the grass herbarium to discover ancient Madagascar'
Bridget Wade, University College London - 'Ecology and Extinction in fossil planktonic foraminifera'


Friday 23rd September 2016 - Natural History Museum


Selina Brace, Natural History Museum - TBC
Bill Baker, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew - 'Building the Plant and Fungal Trees of Life'
Martin Brazeau, Imperial College London -  'Using the fossil record to reconstruct the evolutionary assembly of major features of vertebrate anatomy'
Austin Burt, Imperial College London - 'Understanding selfish genetic elements'
Monica Daley, Royal Veterinarian College - 'Scaling of avian bipedal locomotor dynamics from quail to ostriches’
Ester Gaya, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew -  'Evolution of sunscreen in lichen-forming fungi’
Lee Henry, University London, Queen Mary's -  'The evolution of bacterial symbiosis with eukaryotic hosts'
Jan Janouškovec , University College London - 'Dinoflagellates: evolutionary race to ocean dominance'
Julia Koricheva,  Royal Holloway, University of London  - 'Forest diversity and ecosystem functioning'
Steve Portugal, Royal Holloway, University of London - 'The good, the bad, and the ugly: who is really benefiting from travelling in groups?'
Hannah Rowland, Institute of Zoology, Zoological Society of London - 'Evolutionary ecology of prey defences and predator learning behaviour'
Angelika Stollewerk, University London, Queen Mary's -  'Evolution of sense organs in arthropods'
Seirian Sumner, University College London - 'Social behaviour: genes to phenotypes'
Jinliang Wang, Institute of Zoology, Zoological Society of London - 'Development of population and quantitative genetic models for wild populations'

Friday 11th September 2015 - The Linnean Society of London



Celine Bellard, University College London – 'Invasions and climate change'
Sam Cartwright, Institute of Zoology, Zoological Society of London – 'Investigating wildlife - livestock contact'
David Clayton, Queen Mary, University of London – 'Songbird neurogenomics'
Adriana De Palma, Natural History Museum – 'Bee sensitivity to land use'
Sarah Durant, Institute of Zoology, Zoological Society of London – 'Endangered species conservation'
Christophe Eizaguirre, Queen Mary, University of London – 'Evolutionary and conservation genetics'
Susan Evans, University College London – 'Palaeoherpetology and cranial mechanics'
Jason Hodgson, Imperial College London – 'Human population genetics'
Pepijn Kooij, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew – 'Mycoviruses and fungal symbionts'
Ilia Leitch, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew – 'Genome size in plants'
Andy Purvis/Sandy Knapp, Natural History Museum - 'The Open Herbarium Project'
Rudy Riesch, Royal Holloway, University of London – 'Ecological speciation of fishes'
Julia Schroeder, Imperial College London – 'Genetic variation in birds'
Francisco Ubeda/Vincent Jansen, Royal Holloway, University of London - 'Evolution of Sex-specific Virulence'

Monday 3rd November 2014 - University College London



Michael Akam, University of Cambridge - 'The evolution of the segmentation gene network in arthropods'
Rebecca Dean, University College London (Genetics, Evolution and Environment) - 'Faster-­Z evolution of gene expression'
Greg Elgar, NIMR - 'Bringing an ancient regulatory element into focus'
Vahan Indjeian, Imperial College London - 'Gene regulatory changes in fish and human skeletal evolution'
Henrik Kaessman, University of Lausanne - 'The evolution of mammalian tissue transcriptomes'
Bhavin Khatri, University College London (Infection and Immunity) - 'Evolution and speciation from simple biophysical models of gene regulation'
Paola Oliveri, University College London (Genetics, Evolution and Environment) - 'Gene regulatory network and evolution in echinoderm larval skeleton'
Serian Sumner, University of Bristol - 'The molecular basis of social behaviour'
Sander Tans, AMOLF Amsterdam - TBC




