
UCL Centre for Engineering Education


Collaborative Engineering Education in the Digital Age (CEEDA) Website Launch

21 April 2021

The Collaborative Engineering Education in the Digital Age (CEEDA) website showcases examples of global best practice in collaborative and/or project-based engineering learning that are partially or wholly delivered online.  It forms one element of a wider study looking at the lessons learnt from the current period of COVID-19 ‘emergency teaching’ and how this might impact the trajectory of engineering education in the future. 

CEEDA case studies are taken from the universities highlighted as world leaders in the 2018 MIT report on the global state of the art in engineering education.  The first four case studies included on the website are from MIT (US), Aalborg University (Denmark), SUTD (Singapore) and PUC (Chile).  New case studies will be added progressively in the coming months – the next set of case studies will be from UCL (UK) and Iron Range Engineering (US).

The CEEDA website can be accessed here: https://www.ceeda.org