
UCL Department of Chemical Engineering


Chibundu Anaduaka, Year 2

Hi, I'm Chibundu and I am in my second year at UCL. I chose to study Chemical Engineering at UCL primarily due to its London location which gives me the ability to experience a diverse city whilst obtaining a world-class education. Since arriving in London I have been able to peruse an active social life and visit many of London's famous attractions such as the British Museum, London Zoo and Ministry of Sound.

I appreciate the manageable workload as well as my course mates who have filled my time here with memorable moments and experiences. The course so far has provided me with the necessary skills and mind-set to identify, analyse and design processes which could benefit society. If you are planning on studying at UCL, I would advise you to get involved with lots of extra-curricular activities such as sports and societies to give you an escape from academic life and provide you with an overall student development through university.