
UCL Department of Chemical Engineering


Elton Rodrias

Associate Professor (Teaching)

Elton Rodrias


Elton Rodrias is a teaching focused lecturer since 2018. During his PhD at Imperial College London he was an active graduate teaching assistant (GTA) who delivered and developed many laboratory experiments in the undergraduate labs. His efforts were recognised when he was awarded the GTA of the Year award 2016 in both the Chemical Engineering department and Faculty of Engineering.

Teaching Summary 

I teach professional skills in the context of chemical engineering to Y1 and Y2 undergraduate students. Specifically, I lead on ENGF0002 Design and Professional Skills 1, ENGF0001 Engineering Challenges and ENGF0004 Mathematical Modelling and Analysis 2.

Research Summary

My research focuses on improving the teaching of engineering education, specifically on how to have students take an active role in their learning. My expertise lies in delivering project-based learning and the use and development of educational games to teach engineering.



Departmental Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA) of the Year for btoh the Chemical Engineering department and Faculty of Engineering, Imperial College London, London, UK


Doctoral Training Partnership studentship by EPSRC, London, UK


Undergraduate research grant by Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal



PhD in Chemical Engineering, Imperial College London, UK


MSc in Chemical Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico at Lisbon, Portugal

Professional Affiliations  

  • MIChemE – member of IChemE
  • FHEA – member of HEA


  • Vadhva et al., Towards optimised cell design of thin film silicon-based solid-state batteries via modelling and experimental characterisation," Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2022, 169 (10), 100525
  • Soni et al., “Lithium-sulfur battery diagnostics through distribution of relaxation times analysis”, Energy Storage Materials, 2022, 51, 97-107
  • Rettie et al., “A two-dimensional type I superionic conductor”, Nature Materials, 2021, 20, 1683–1688
  • Vadhva et al.,” Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy for All‐Solid‐State Batteries: Theory, Methods and Future Outlook”, ChemElectroChem, 2021, 8 (11), 1930-1947
  • Lin et al., “Ultralow thermal conductivity, multiband electronic structure and high thermoelectric figure of merit in TlCuSe”, Advanced Materials, 2021, 33 (44), 2104908

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