
UCL Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health


Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health


Environmental Child Health Research Group

We are the Environmental Child Health Research Group – a team of researchers using large, administrative data to study how the local environment affects children’s health as they are growing up. We are particularly interested in the impacts of climate change, changing pollution exposures, and indoor environments in homes and schools on children’s health and education outcomes. 

Child splashing in puddle

These are some of the research areas we are working on:

  • The impact of air pollution and housing quality on respiratory health in early childhood
  • Inequalities in access to greenspaces and exposure to air pollution around schools and nurseries in England
  • Greenspace access and children’s psychological health and well-being
  • Heat during pregnancy and perinatal and infant health

We are also delighted to be working on establishing the Kids’ Environment and Health Cohort, a national administrative data birth cohort for research for environmental child health research.

The Environmental Child Health Research Group is part of the Child Health Informatics Group at UCL Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health.


Proudly collaborating with  
University of Edinburgh logo
Swansea Uni Logo
Bristol Uni Logo
London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine logo
Tampere logo
City, University of London logo
Imperial logo
Brock logo
LSE logo
UCL Institute for Environmental Design and Engineering logo
UCL Institute of Health Informatics logo
In partnership with:  
ONS Logo
natural england logo
Supported by:  
HDRUK logo
ESRC logo
MRC logo

UCL Health of the Public     

Child Health Research Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO)