We worked with parents of children and young people with complex health needs to design the content of three animations exploring different aspects of their lived experience.
As part of the SPROCKET development phase, we have been holding several workshops with parents of children and young people with complex health needs. We have worked further with some of these parents to co-develop three short animations highlighting different aspects of their lived experience and some of the challenges they face.
We held a dedicated workshop with parents to hear their stories in more detail and to decide on themes and content. We then shared drafted storyboards with parents before moving onto to the final animation phase.
We are proud to share the final animations now. The stories in these animations are all from true stories - we have not exaggerated any of their experiences. Some minor details have been in changed to protect anonymity.
Trigger warning: the content of these videos may be upsetting for certain viewers, as it is based on the real experiences of people looking after children with complex needs in the UK today.
Why is it a fight?
The Hardest Transition
The SPROCKET project is focusing on key transitions in a child and young person's life that are particularly challenging. While parents all agreed that these are very important and a good focus for SPROCKET, they also wanted people to understand that caring for a child with complex health needs is a very hard transition for them personally as well. This animation captures a few people's experience, while of course acknowledging that each family have their own experience.