
UCL Doctorate In Clinical Psychology


Training Handbook - (Printable Version)

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Section 1 - The Course In Context

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Core purpose

The core purpose of the training course is to produce clinical psychologists trained to a high standard in academic, clinical and research domains, enabling them to meet the standards described by the HCPC Standards of Education and Training and Standards of Proficiency and the accreditation criteria of the British Psychological Society for Chartered status, and to qualify them for work within the National Health Service (NHS).


The values of the Course are aligned with those set out in the following codes, all of which can be found on the Course website:

· the HCPC Standards of Conduct

· the BPS Code of Ethics and Conduct

· UCL Student Disciplinary Code

· the NHS Constitution

The values embodied in these codes are reflected at all stages and in all domains of the programme - in its application processes, in the content and delivery of the teaching programme, in clinical placements and in the professional and personal support offered to trainees.

The NHS constitution sets out some core values which can be summarised as follows:

· putting clients first and involving everyone who is relevant to their care

· speaking up in the client's interests when things go wrong

· affording respect and dignity to clients, their families and fellow professionals, valuing them as individuals and respecting their aspirations and commitments

· offering resources to the benefit of the whole community and ensuring that people are not excluded or discriminated against

· offering high-quality, safe and effective care

· offering care that is compassionate and responsive to the needs of clients, their families and carers

· improving health and well-being and people's experience of the NHS


1. The Course has a pluralistic ethos: it aims to expose trainees to a variety of approaches within clinical psychology rather than just one. This is designed to ensure that trainees can respond flexibly to the demands that will be made of them in a rapidly changing NHS.

2. The Course aims to promote strong links between theory and practice and is organised to ensure that the clinical, academic and research components of training are well integrated. Reflecting this concern:

a) Diversity in teaching methods is encouraged, matching the method to the material to be taught.

b) Skills teaching is integrated within the academic programme, along with the use of experiential teaching methods.

c) Trainees are encouraged to adopt a hypothesis-testing approach to their work and to adopt a thoughtful and critical approach to the use of research evidence concerning the effectiveness of therapeutic techniques.

3. The Course endeavors to enable trainees to achieve high standards of clinical competence. To ensure high quality and relevance to the field, teaching is organised by a mixture of academic staff and clinical psychologist practitioners, many of whom have a national reputation in their fields.

4. The Course aims to promote good practice in teaching and research across a wide range of specialties, and to ensure that teaching of specialities with recruitment difficulties is of the highest quality.

5. The Course tries to ensure that trainees can practice effectively and equitably in the context of the diversity that characterises clinical populations in London. The promotion of equal opportunities in the selection of trainees and in teaching is an important feature of the Course philosophy, and a theme of the programme.

6. The Course aims to ensure that trainees develop a professional role that is both active and collegial, and hence a capacity to understand the roles and approaches of professional colleagues, and an ability to maintain good working relationships which promote the psychological well-being of clients.

7. The Course aims to foster an awareness of, and a responsiveness to, the needs of service users and carers, both through its teaching and by encouraging trainees routinely to consult with service users in order to understand their perspectives and needs.

8. As is consistent with the learner-led model of teaching appropriate for students at this level of training, the Course aims to be responsive to feedback at all levels of its organisation. The Course aims to ensure that its systems of assessment and evaluation of trainees also accord with best practice in this area and that trainees are involved in the assessment process.

9. The Course aims to foster an enthusiasm for learning and an openness to questioning, in teaching, in clinical practice and in research. Trainees are encouraged to follow up their interests and to develop personally over the three years of training.

10. The Course aims to make research an integral part of training by developing trainees' capacity actively to make use of available research, and equipping them with

the skills to contribute to the evidence-base of the profession. The Research Department of Clinical, Educational and Health Psychology has an internationally recognised research programme and trainees are encouraged to work with members of staff to maintain the same high standards for their own research

12. The Course aims to be responsive to its purchasers (Health Education North Central and East London) and to Clinical Psychology services in the London region who offer supervision to trainees and employment to graduates from the course.

13. It is widely recognised that clinical psychology training can be stressful and the course endeavours to ensure that good sources of support are available to trainees. As is consistent with the general course philosophy, no one approach is favoured, but rather a variety of systems (including access to personal therapy) are offered.

The standards set out above are those by which the Course wishes to be judged. The measure of our success is our capacity to enable trainees to develop personal and professional competences congruent with our aspirations, and to become effective practitioners who can apply their skills for the benefit of service users and carers and go on to shape clinical practice and research in the future.

Section 2 - Clinical Psychology Staff


Kat Alcock, Principal Clinical Tutor, Admissions Tutor, Widening Access and DCP BME Mentoring Scheme Lead

Chris Brewin, Professor of Clinical Psychology

Jarrod Cabourne, Senior Clinical Tutor

Georgina Charlesworth, Associate Professor

Henry Clements, Principal Clinical Tutor and CBT Pathway Lead

Julia Curl, Senior Course Administrator

Val Curran, Director, UCL Clinical Psychopharmacology Unit,  Professor of Psychopharmacology

Gourangapriya Dey, Research & Finance Administrator

Sharinjeet Dhiman, Events and International Liaison Administrator

Pasco Fearon, Professor of Developmental Psychopathology, Joint Course Director

Janet Feigenbaum, Associate Professor

Miriam Fornells-Ambrojo, Lecturer in Clinical Psychology and Academic Director, UCL Clinical Psychology Course

Sunjeev Kamboj, Reader, Co-ordinator for International D.Clin.Psy Trainees

Narinder Kapur, Visiting Professor of Neuropsychology

John King, Associate Professor

William Mandy, Associate Professor and Research Director, UCL Clinical Psychology Course

Liam Mason, Lecturer in Clinical Psychology

Leah Markwick, Academic Administrator

Daniel McQuade, Clinical Placements Coordinator

Katrina Scior,  Joint Course Director, Associate Professor

Peter Scragg, Principal Teaching Fellow

Lucy Serpell, Associate Professor

Madiha Shaikh, Lecturer in Clinical Psychology

Kate Sherratt, Senior Clinical Tutor

Kristina Soon, Senior Clinical Tutor

Aimee Spector, Professor of Old Age Clinical Psychology

Joshua Stott, Clinical Director

Marc Tibber, Lecturer in Clinical Psychology

Amanda C de C Williams, Associate Professor

Michelle Wilson, Clinical Tutor

Honorary Staff

Ruksana Ahmed

Honorary Lecturer

Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Trust

Alastair Bailey

Honorary Lecturer

Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust

Prof Tanya Byron

Sandra Baum

Honorary Senior Lecturer

Consultant Clinical Psychologist, Newham Primary Care Trust

Ms Elma Cullen

Honorary Lecturer

East London Foundation NHS Trust

Barney Dunn

Honorary Lecturer
Research Interests: Emotion regulation in mood disorders; Self-focused
attention; Personality disorders; Role of the body in psychopathology.

Anselm Eldergill

Visiting Professor

District Judge, Court of Protection

Narinder Kapur

Visiting Professor of Neuropsychology

Sarah Mackenzie Ross

Honorary Senior Lecturer
Doctoral Programme in Clinical Psychology

Glenys Parry

Professor of Applied Psychological Therapies, Univ. of Sheffield

Emma Silver

Honorary Lecturer

Consultant Clinical Psychologist, Tavistock & Portman NHS Trust

Mike Watts

Honorary Lecturer

Clinical Psychologist, Enfield & Haringey Mental Health NHS Trust

Kerry Young

Honorary Lecturer

Consultant Clinical Psychologist, Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust

Course Administration

Administrative Staff for the Doctorate in Clinical Psychology

Julia Curl - Senior Administrator
j.curl@ucl.ac.uk, Tel: 020-7679 1896

  • General finance issues
  • Exam Board related queries

Gourangapriya Dey - Research and Finance Administrator
priya.dey@ucl.ac.uk Tel: 020-7679 1603

  • the Test library
  • research-related areas and research expenses
  • stationery orders
  • e-submissions
  • External Examiner Liaison
  • trainee change of address

Sharinjeet Dhiman - International Liaison Administrator

dclinpsy_international@ucl.ac.uk,  Tel: 020 7679 8231

  • International Trainees

Leah Markwick - Academic Administrator
l.markwick@ucl.ac.uk, Tel: 020-7679 5699

  • Moodle
  • the time-table / teaching programme
  • room bookings/equipment
  • the website
  • conferences
  • Service User Administration Support
  • E-Learning Support

Daniel McQuade - Clinical Placements Coordinator
d.mcquade.ucl.ac.uk, Tel: 020-7679 1897020-7679 1897

  • placement paperwork (contracts, end of placement feedback reports)
  • trainee attendance, holiday and sick leave
  • trainee travel claims
  • case report submission
Associate Clinical Tutors
Regional Unit Organisers

Dr Sandra Baum (Learning Disabilities)

Professor John Cape (Professional Issues)

Dr Alex Clarke (Health Psychology)

Dr Deborah Lee (Cognitive Behaviour Therapy)

Professor Alessandra Lemma (Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy)

Dr Eleanor Martin (Systemic Therapy)

Dr Alison Milton (Systemic Therapy)

Section 3 - Computing and Library Resources 

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Extensive computing facilities are available in the "cluster rooms", of which there are many across the University campus, including one on the first floor of 1-19 Torrington Place (up the first set of stairs in the East lobby). Information about other locations can be found at: www.ucl.ac.uk/is/clusters/index.htm. Information about the "live" availability of PCs across campus can be found at www.ucl.ac.uk/isd/students/workrooms/pc-availability

Computing facilities are managed by UCL rather than by the Department, and are accessed by students of all disciplines. Access can be limited it is sometimes a good idea to book a computer in advance.

Training courses offered by Information Systems

Although many trainees are computer literate, not all are, and some could benefit from learning how to make more efficient use of software. UCL offers a number of on-site and e-learning introductory and advanced courses that are open to postgraduate students there are free). More information, is available at the UCL Information Systems website: www.ucl.ac.uk/is/training/student/index.htm or e‑mail Information Systems: is-student-courses@ucl.ac.uk


The UCL Library holds around 1.5 million volumes covering all subjects taught at UCL. About half of the stock is available on the open shelves. Holdings relevant to Clinical Psychology can be found at:

· DMS Watson library; also known as the Science Library (where most holdings can be found)

· UCL Medical School library (located in the medical school - Cruciform Building)

There is extensive information about the Library, its services, sites and opening hours at www.ucl.ac.uk/Library/index.shtml. The psychology subject librarian (Kate Cheney) is available to help trainees with their literature searches for the thesis.

University of London Library (Senate House)

UCL students have access to the University Library (entrance on the fourth floor of Senate House, Malet Street). Tickets can be obtained by showing a UCL ID card. This library holds about 1.4 million volumes and over 5,500 current periodicals. The BPS library is based in Senate House, and holdings include a number of psychology journals unavailable in hard copy at UCL. The University of London library catalogue can be accessed via the UCL library website.



A very large number of journals can be accessed electronically, via the UCL library website. E-journals can be accessed from a UCL-managed computer (for example, a machine in one of the cluster rooms) . They can also be accessed off-site (and therefore at home or on placement) using a UCL ID and password.


The library subscribes to a large number of on-line databases (including PsychInfo, Medline, and Embase) and citation databases. As above, these are available both on- and off-site.


The course uses the UCL 'Moodle' site (https://moodle.ucl.ac.uk/) as a platform for posting information about the academic programme. The site contains:

  • details of upcoming lectures, including powerpoints, references and relevant resources
  • teaching and training resources, including a suite of videos demonstrating CBT therapy competences


Test Library

The psychological test reference library contains an extensive range of psychological tests, measures and questionnaires, providing invaluable tools for research, both for our trainees and for the wider UCL body. For Test Library enquiries, see the Research and Finance Administrator in the General Office.

Dissertation Collection

The dissertation collection (which includes dissertations of all past trainees) is available for trainee reference. Keys to the dissertation cabinets are held in the General Office. Theses from 2012 onwards are also available in electronic format via the library website.

Section 4 - Course Committee Structure

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This section gives details of the committee structure of the programme, including:

  • details of each committee and the area of the programme it oversees
  • details of trainee representation on each committee
  • a chart showing how the committees fit together to give oversight over the whole programme

Section 5 - Aims and Objectives of the Teaching Programme

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This section sets out the aims and objectives of the teaching programme for the DClinPsy. 

Section 33 - The Role of the Course Tutor

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Each trainee is assigned a Course Tutor. The tutor's role is holistic: to support trainees across all the domains of the course - on academic, clinical and research matters, and to monitor and support their personal and professional development.

This section helps trainees identify the duties of their tutor and the areas for which they are responsible. 

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Section 20 - Examinations

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Unseen examinations are used to assess both the academic course component, and competence in research methods and statistics. This section details the structure and coverage of the examination papers. 

Section 21 - Case Report Guidelines

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Case reports are intended to assess trainees':

  • developing clinical competence across a range of different types of work and setting, in the context of a range of theoretical perspectives
  • ability to integrate academic and theoretical ideas with their clinical experience
  • ability to reflect on the way in which clinical, professional and ethical issues interact and impact on their work

Trainees submit four case reports; this section describes the structure and expected content of the reports.

There is one appendix for this section: 

Section 21, Appendix 1 : Client consent form for case report

Section 7 - Placement Schedule

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This section contains information about:

  • the days that trainees are on placement, both during and outside academic terms
  • the clinical study time that trainees are entitled to take while on placement  and how this is managed
  • the minimum number of required placement days in any one placement

Section 8 - Clinical Placement Guidelines and Contracts

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This section contains detailed guidance on:

  • setting up placements
  • drawing-up placement contacts
  • placement structure and content

It includes:

  • an overview of the clinical competences trainees need to acquire during training
  • an outline of the expectations of content and structure that apply to all placements
  • outlines of the expected content and structure for:
  • the first placement
  • placements with specific client groups and settings (children and adolescents, people with learning disabilities, older adults and individuals with severe and enduring mental health problems 

There are 11 appendices to this section which relate to various aspects of placement organisation:

The first set of appendices set out BPS/ DCP guidance on supervision:

Section 8 Appendix 1 BPS Guidelines on supervision
Section 8 Appendix 2 DCP Faculty of Children and young people: guidance on content of placements with children and adolescents
Section 8 Appendix 3 DCP Faculty for Learning Difficulties: guidance on content of placements with learning difficulties 
Section 8 Appendix 4 DCP Faculty for psychologists working with older people: guidance of content with older people

The next set of appendices set out guidance related to record keeping:

Section 8 Appendix 5 Data protection and encryption: preserving client confidentiality when using computers
Section 8 Appendix 6 Department of Health - advice for copying letters to clients  
Section 8 Appendix 7 BPS guidance on keeping records

The final set of appendices offer guidance on professional practice while on placement:

Section 8 Appendix 8 Client consent form for recording sessions
Section 8 Appendix 9 BPS guidelines for working with interpreters in health settings
Section 8 Appendix 10 Health and Safety policy for placements
Section 8 Appendix 11 Involvement of Clinical Psychology trainees as Care Co-ordinators withing the Care Programme Approach (CPA)

Section 9 - Basic Template For All Placement Contracts

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This section sets out the 'headers' that should be included in all placement contracts, including: 

  • supervision arrangements
  • expected caseload
  • induction
  • areas of clinical and professional activity
  • procedures for ending the placement

Section 11 - Assessing Progression on Placement Over the Three Years of Training

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Expectations of a trainee's performance change as they progress through training, gaining more direct experience of clinical casework and growing into their professional role.

Benchmarking these expectations is a challenge both for the Course and for supervisors. This section sets out how these benchmarks change over the three years of training.

Section 12 - Overview of Procedures for Monitoring Placements

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For the purposes of the Examination Board, training is divided into 6 six-month placement periods over three years. The Course formally monitors progress in each placement period through the Mid-Placement Review (MPR) and the End of Placement Review (EPR).

This section:

a) describes the ways in which the MPR and the EPR should be conducted.

b) offers guidance on the ways in which summative and formative feedback should be offered during supervision, and at the MPR and the EPR

Section 13 - MPR Interview Format for Trainees and Supervisors

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This section describes the sort of questions and issues which will be raised by the college visitor. Because the visitor follows a set structure and is guided by a semi-structured interview it will be helpful for supervisors and trainees to have a sense of the format and content of the visit.

Section 14 - Quick Guide to Forms Used to Evaluate Placements

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This section gives an overview of the forms used by supervisors:

  • at various points in the placement cycle
  • when they are not the main supervisor

Section 15 - End of Placement Review: Guide to the content of the Supervisor and Trainee Feedback Forms

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This section is a guide to content of the supervisor and trainee feedback forms used at the end of each placement period.

Section 16 - Clinical Portfolio

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Trainees maintain a portfolio of clinical experience that identifies the work they carry out in each placement. There are four sections to the portfolio:

Section A Log of clinical experiences A record of direct and indirect clinical and professional work
Section B Competences in specific psychological therapies A record of competences in CBT, psychodynamic or systemic therapies
Section C Psychological testing competences A record of competences in psychometric assessment and interpretation
Section D Cumulative Training Record ('Reflective Practice Log') A cumulative record of progress in relation to HCPC / BPS criteria

This section describes the portfolio; the record forms are downloadable from the placement section of this website, and from the 'useful forms' section.

Section 17 - The Research Component: Overview

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The research component of the DClinPsy has two parts: formal teaching and practical experience. This section gives an overview of each of these parts, and describes how they fit together over the three years of training.

Section 18 - The Service Related Research Project

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This section details the procedures for conducting and documenting the service related research project (applied research that is a) relevant to service provision and b) undertaken within a clinical setting).

Conducting practically oriented research is an important part of the clinical psychologist's professional role, and the aim of the service‑related research project is to help trainees develop their research skills, including the ability to communicate research findings to clinical colleagues, and to give them experience in integrating research with clinical practice. 

Section 19 - The Major Research Project

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This section details the procedures for conducting the major research project and for documenting this work in the research thesis.

The thesis should be an original piece of empirical work of publishable quality, relevant to clinical psychology and which demonstrates a trainee's ability to apply scientific principles and undertake rigorous investigation. 

Section 22 - Programme Regulations

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This section gives an overview of the programme regulations and assessment procedures for the course, and the role of the Board of Examiners in overseeing these procedures.

It includes information about:

  • entrance qualifications for the Course
  • the structure of the Course
  • the ways in which academic, clinical and research competences are assessed
  • the number of times failed course components can be retaken
  • how the Board of Examiners is constituted and how it carries out its functions
  • procedures for appealing against a decision of the Board of Examiners

Section 23 - Plagiarism

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Plagiarism refers to passing off someone else's work as your own. It is a serious academic offence with potentially serious consequences.

Plagiarism can be intentional, but is sometimes unintentional (where students do not understand what does and doesn't constitute plagiarism). For this reason it is important to read the detailed guidance contained in this section. 

Section 24 - Procedures for Passing and Failing Examinations

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This section sets out the marking criteria for examinations, along with the procedure for candidates who receive an overall mark of 'fail' in these examinations.

Section 25 - Procedures Relating To Passing and Failing: Case Reports and Service Related Research Report

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This section includes information about:

  • submission deadlines
  • procedure for requesting an extension to a submission deadline
  • marking categories and marking criteria for case reports
  • procedures for resubmission of a report
  • marking criteria for resubmitted work

Section 26 - Procedures Relating To Passing and Failing: Passing and Failing Research Thesis

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This section includes information about the marking procedure and marking criteria for the research dissertation.

Section 27 - Procedures Relating To Passing and Failing: Placements

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This section includes information about the procedures used to pass or fail a placement period. It includes information on:

  • the criteria used to judge the significance of poor placement performance
  • how concerns about placement performance are signalled
  • the criteria for placement failure
  • procedures for the clinical viva and the possible outcomes
  • the consequences of placement failure
  • the procedure for appeals

There is one appendix to this section:

Section 27, Appendix 1:  Form for registering concern about trainee progression on placement 

Section 30 - Complaints in relation to course procedure and complaints in relation to discrimination or harassment.

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There are a number of procedures open to trainees who have serious concerns about their training and who wish to raise these with the course or the University.

This section identifies the "informal" routes open to trainees, as well giving detailed advice about the procedures for initiating an appeal against decisions taken by the course, for taking out a grievances or for making a complaint (for example, about sexual harassment or bullying).  


Bullying Discrimination Policy Procedure for C&I (2015)

Section 31 - Implementation of Equality and Diversity Policies at UCL and in the NHS

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As a student of UCL and as an employee of the NHS, trainees should be aware of the equality and diversity policies that apply both in college and while on placement. A first - and obvious - step in making these meaningful is to ensure that trainees know that such policies exist and to whom they apply, and also know how to access full information about them.

This section details the equality and diversity policies that apply both to UCL and the NHS.

Section 32 - Sources of Personal and Professional Support

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While training is usually an exciting and stimulating experience, it can also be challenging and sometimes stressful.

This section details:

  • sources of support offered by the course
  • sources of support offered by UCL

       - support for trainees with disabilities

       - student counselling service

  • the 'Personal Advisor Scheme'
  • specific support systems for:

      - LGBT trainees

      - Black and Ethnic Minority trainees

      - Trainees who are parents or carers

  • potential sources of psychological therapy for trainee

Section 35 - Service User and Carer Involvement with the Course 

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This section details the ways in which the course integrates the views of service users and carers into the programme. It includes a description of:

  • the role and function of the service user and carer committee
  • service user input to teaching
  • service user input to selection
  • service user input to research
  • the trainee consultation with service-users and carers while on placement

Section 10 - Consulting with service-user/carer representatives and Interprofessional learning on placement

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In at least two of their six placements trainees should organise contact with service user organisations, or service users/carers. There are two primary objectives:

a) to develop a clearer sense of service-user issues, concerns, experiences and perspectives, and to discuss what is learned from this within supervision.

b) to gain experience of initiating this sort of contact (with guidance on how this is best done from the supervisor or the Course). In itself, learning how to initiate such contacts is an important area of skill development.

This section gives details of how to set about undertaking this consultation.

Section 36 - Health and Care Professions Council

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The Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) regulates the use of the title 'Clinical Psychologist'. This means that the use of this title is legally restricted to individuals who are on the HPC register of practitioner psychologists.

This section outlines the role of HCPC in regulating and accrediting courses, and the process of registration.

Section 37 - BPS Accreditation Criteria

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Although responsibility for statutory registration and regulation lies with the Health and Care Professions Council, the BPS (as our professional body) sets out training criteria that courses need to meet if trainees are to be eligible for chartering as a Clinical Psychologist.

This Section is an extract from the BPS accreditation criteria, and focuses on expected learning outcomes and the structure of training.

Section 40 - Terms and Conditions

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This section sets out terms and conditions of employment for trainees who are funded and employed through the NHS. As such it includes information about arrangements for:

  • annual leave
  • sick leave
  • maternity leave
  • leave for special circumstances
  • attendance requirements at college and placement

Although this section applies only to trainees who are employed through the NHS, it is assumed that all trainees will follow the guidance on attendance requirements outlined below

Section 38 - Trainee Record Keeping

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This section identifies the records that trainees need to maintain throughout the course. As such it covers:

  • placement records- what paperwork is required, who submits it, and when
  • maintaining records with the course and with UCL Registry
  • information held about trainees, either in the form of their file, or on databases

Section 39 - Travel

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Trainees who are funded and employed through the NHS are able to claim travel expenses; this section describes the procedures for making these claims.

Appendix 1 - Health Professions Council Standards of Proficiency

Appendix 2 - Health Professions Council Standards of Conduct

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Appendix 3 - Health Professions Council Standards of Continual Professional Development

Appendix 4 - British Psychological Society Accreditation Criteria

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Appendix 9 - UCL Regulations for the degree of Doctor in Clinical Psychology (DClinPsy)

1. Entrance Qualifications


The normal minimum entrance qualification for registration for the degree of Doctor in Clinical Psychology is an upper second class honours degree with Psychology as the main field of study, or an appropriate Master's Degree or Diploma, qualifying the applicant for graduate basis for registration with the British Psychological Society. Applicants should also have at least one year's relevant clinical experience. In exceptional circumstances (and subject to the approval of the authorities of the College), consideration may be given to those without such clinical experience.

2. Duration of Programme of Study

Full-time: three calendar years  

3. Curriculum


The course of study for the degree of Doctor in Clinical Psychology includes formally taught and practical elements, which provide academic and clinical underpinning for the research undertaken. Candidates are required to complete four case studies, one piece of service-related research and undertake a substantial piece of research resulting in a thesis.

3.1.1 Formally Taught Elements

The teaching programme will cover methods of clinical psychological research, statistics and basic research on the psychological models of clinical disorders, methods of assessment and interventions in a range of clinical areas.

3.1.2 Practical Experience

Candidates will be expected to acquire supervised clinical experience with a number of clinical populations in accordance with the requirements of the British Psychological Society which would qualify successful candidates to become eligible for recognition as a chartered clinical psychologist.

3.1.3 Case Studies and Service-Related Research

Four case studies and one piece of service-related research, which shall total approximately 15-20,000 words, shall be completed.

3.1.4 Thesis

The length of the thesis shall be approximately 25,000 words, with a maximum of 40,000 words.

The overall research submission (3.1.3 and 3.1.4) shall illustrate the candidate's ability to apply scientific psychological principles at various levels of application of clinical psychological knowledge.

4. Assessment and Oral Examinations


All assessments, including the assessment of clinical competence, will be overseen by examiners external to the University.


Written examinations qualifying a candidate for submission of the thesis will take place in the first two years of the course and will comprise:

(i) a 3-hour written examination in year 1, assessing the theory and application of clinical psychological methods;

(ii) a 2-hour written examination in year 1, assessing competence in research methods;

(iii) a 3-hour written examination in year 2, assessing the theory and application of clinical psychological methods at an advanced level;

(iv) a 3-hour written examination in year 2, assessing competence in statistics.


A candidate failing any examination in the first or second year will be required to sit and pass an equivalent examination in August or September of the same year.


Clinical competence will be monitored throughout the clinical placements and will be assessed by examiners at the end of each 6-month placement period. Satisfactory performance on six 6-month placement periods (i.e., an equivalent of three year-long placements) will be required for the award of the degree.


If a candidate fails to satisfy the requirements of a clinical placement, an oral examination will be conducted by at least two examiners, one of whom will be external to the University. The examination will cover clinical work undertaken in the placement and will be designed to test the candidate's ability to integrate theory, research and clinical practice at a level appropriate to their year of training. The possible outcomes of the oral examination are:

(i) Placement passed

(ii) Placement passed conditional on demonstration of specific competencies in an additional placement

(iii) Placement failed: candidate permitted to demonstrate the required competencies in an additional clinical placement. More than two placement failures will result in failure of the course.

(iv) Placement failed and candidate not permitted to continue on the course.


The four case studies will demonstrate a knowledge of psychological theory and its application to clinical work. The service-related research report will demonstrate an ability to conduct applied research in clinical service settings. Two case studies, or one case study and the service-related research report, will be submitted in year 1. Two case studies, or (if the service-related research was not submitted in the first year) one case study and the service-related research report, will be submitted in year 2. The final case study will be submitted in year 3. A candidate who fails any piece of work (case study or service-related research) will be required to demonstrate the relevant competencies by submitting a new, equivalent piece of work. If the resubmission fails to satisfy the requirements, the candidate will not be permitted to continue on the course. Details on the timing of the resubmission will be announced by the course tutors.


The thesis will make a distinct contribution to the knowledge of the subject and will afford evidence of originality shown by the discovery of new facts and/or the exercise of independent critical power. It will be examined by an oral examination, which will be conducted by at least two examiners, one of whom will be external to the University. The examination will be designed to test the thesis against the criteria stated above. The possible outcomes of the oral examination are:

(i) Pass

(ii) Pass conditional on minor corrections (one month)

(iii) Referred for stipulated revisions (three months)

(iv) Referred for major revisions (one year); a further oral examination, following resubmission, may be held at the discretion of the examiners

(v) Fail: no resubmission permitted


The award of the degree will be dependent on a satisfactory defence of the thesis in the oral examination as well as successful completion of all the other elements of the course as detailed above.


All elements of the course must be completed within four calendar years. In exceptional circumstances, this may be extended at the discretion of the examiners.

5. Dates of Assessments and Oral Examinations


Written examinations qualifying a candidate for submission of the thesis will take place in the third term in year 1, and in the third term of year 2. Dates will be announced annually by the course tutors. Assessment of clinical competence, including an oral examination when necessary, will take place at the end of each 6-month placement period. The four case studies and the service-related research report will be submitted as detailed in section 4.6 above; dates will be announced annually by the course tutors. The bound volume of the four case studies and the  service-related research report will be submitted with the thesis.


The thesis will be submitted in June of the third year of study and will be examined by the end of September. Dates for the submission and examination of the thesis will be announced annually by the course tutors. Bound copies, including minor amendments to the thesis specified by the examiners, must be submitted by 31st December for the thesis to be passed in the current academic year.


In the third term of the third year of the course of study, a candidate may defer submission of his/her thesis to  June of the following year. In this case, examination of the thesis will be by the end of September of the same year.

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Appendix 6 - Health and Safety in the Department

Accident reporting

In the event of an accident, incident or near miss you should obtain an accident report form from the General Office.  Complete and return to the office who will return this to the Departmental Safety Officer (DOS).  All accidents must be reported, no matter how minor.

Accident investigation

In the event of a serious accident as little as possible should be handled or moved and the accident must be reported at once to the Head of Department/DSO, who will notify the College Safety Office and arrange for a full investigation to be carried out.

The Joint Course Directors, in consultation with the DSO, will investigate all reported accidents, institute any follow-up action required and ensure that appropriate action is taken to prevent similar accidents in the future.

In the event of a serious accident/incident as little as possible should be handled or moved, any equipment or product (including disposable items) involved in an accident or incident must be retained and where possible left in situ, pending investigation.

After-hours and Lone Working

Out of hours working is defined as before 9.00 am and after 7.00pm weekdays, anytime at the weekend and College closures.  In the event of members of the Department needing to work out of hours, it is essential for them to inform the Head of Department of their intention, and Security of their presence and departure.

Co-operation with other Organisations

Staff and students working in other organisations are required to comply with the host organisation's arrangements for safe working.  The Department holds a record of names of all contacts in other Organisations. Supervisors are responsible for ensuring there are safe working procedures in place for any of their staff or students who are required to undertake work in environments controlled by other organisations.

Faulty Equipment

All staff are required to take immediate action concerning all confirmed or suspected safety- related defects and report their findings to the General Office.

The equipment must be to be taken out of use until repaired or replaced.

Repairs will be dealt with by an approved contractor or the manufacturer.

Emergency Situations

In the event of a serious accident requiring an ambulance, violence/threat of violence, discovering a fire, phone in the first instance extension 41897/or out of hours emergency extension 222.

In the event of electrical mains failure or smell of mains gas phone ext 41897, out of hours ext 222.

Emergency instruction sheets are displayed in each teaching room and on appropriate notice boards.

Fire Safety

All staff and students should familiarise themselves with exit routes and assembly areas to be used in the event of fire.  Information sheets are displayed as above.  In the event of fire, phone ext. 45950/41896. 

Fire doors must not be wedged open, and corridors should be kept clear and not used for storage of excess furniture or equipment.

First Aid

After hours approach UCH Accident & Emergency Department.  In the event of a serious accident call an ambulance via 222, stating name, location and contact no.

First Aid boxes are located in the following places: on top shelf, in the General Office, Room 436.


The initial responsibility for the maintenance of housekeeping or tidiness in any office, both of themselves and of others, lies with its occupants.  All members of the Department should exercise their common sense in terms of avoiding obvious health and safety hazards, e.g. trailing wires, unstable filing cabinets, large accumulations of rubbish, computer boxes or waste from eating and drinking.

Pregnant Workers

Pregnant Workers are defined as those who are: pregnant; have given birth within the previous six months after at least 24 weeks pregnancy (whether the baby survived or not); or are breast feeding.  Pregnant Workers are entitled to a Risk Assessment of their work activities, a form will be sent by the Personnel Division whenever the worker informs them in writing that she is pregnant.  Information on safe working during pregnancy is available from the Occupational Health Service ext. 32802.  An information leaflet outlining the procedure is available from the DSO/dept notice board or in confidence from the Safety Office ext. 46363.

Smoking, Eating and Drinking

No smoking is allowed in any part of the building. Eating and drinking are only permitted in personal offices and common rooms and must never take place in the laboratory or any other area where chemicals are used, including offices which are part of laboratory areas.

In addition smoking, eating, drinking, or application of cosmetics are prohibited in all laboratory areas.

Use of laboratory equipment for the storage, refrigeration, freezing, heating, cooking or processing of food for human consumption is strictly forbidden.

Storage Arrangements

Corridors and means of escape must not be used for storage.

Where possible heavy or bulky items should be stored at waist height.

Unattended and Overnight Experiments

Unattended and Overnight Experiments must only be conducted with the permission of the Head of Department and must be fully assessed for risks arising from their being unattended.


Report any incident immediately to Security on ext. 41262 stating name, location and circumstance.

Inform DSO/HoD of incident and fill in an accident/incident form.

Waste Disposal

All waste will be disposed of in accordance with College Policy using colour coded bags or other designated containers, e.g. 'sharps' containers.

Domestic and Office waste - black plastic sacks.

Recycling -  there are designated recycling bins in the common room and in the corridor outside room 452 (photopier room).

Broken glass - put in a cardboard box, seal securely and label, thereafter as domestic waste (as appropriate).

Waste boxes, bulky rubbish, electrical equipment, fridges/freezers, should only be disposed of after direct agreement with the General Office. These items must not be stored/left in corridors pending collection.

Chemical - by arrangement with Hazardous Waste Service (x 46950)

The different types of waste must be segregated at all times.  Bags must be sealed (knotted or taped, not stapled) at the point of origin and labelled with the name of the Unit concerned.

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Appendix 13 - Developmental Reviews


Every trainee at UCL has an annual developmental review with their Course Tutor. The Review should be seen as the culmination of other tutor meetings throughout the year.

The Developmental Review is an opportunity for trainee and tutor to review the previous 12 months to identify what has gone well and any areas that have been more difficult. The review should aim to identify the opportunities for the forthcoming year and anticipated challenges. The review is also an opportunity to identify any problems for that trainee that might interfere with their clinical training and to see what might be done to relieve these.

The Developmental Review should also be an opportunity for the tutor to give the trainee clear feedback about their performance. By the end of the appraisal, the tutor and trainee should be able to specify training objectives for the trainee for the next twelve months.


The meeting should occur on a 1:1 basis, apart from some instances where the line manager may also need to be present. The focus of the meeting is on active discussion, although both tutor and trainee should make brief notes in preparation for the meeting.

A personal development plan should be completed jointly by the tutor and trainee, a copy retained by both parties, and one copy stored in the trainee's college file.

Preparing for the Review

Both the trainee and tutor should complete their respective sections from the Developmental Review Form.

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Section 8 Appendix 3 - Guidance on Content of LD Placements

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Section 21 Appendix 1 - Consent Form for Case Report

Section 8 Appendix 8 - Consent Form for Taping of Clinical Sessions

Section 22 Appendix 1 - Notification of Extenuating Circumstances


Any circumstances likely to affect examination performance should be notified in writing, with appropriate supporting documentation, and submitted no later than one week after the end of the examination period in question. These circumstances will be considered in strict confidence.

Circumstances which have already been brought to the attention of the Board of Examiners and for which allowance has already been made (eg extra time allowed because of dyslexia, extension of deadline for coursework) should not be notified in this way. The examiners will be aware of these circumstances, but any circumstances which might affect examination performance can be taken into account only once for each diet of examinations.

Please complete the form below and submit to Tony Roth. Trainees should retain a copy of all documentation.