
The Constitution Unit


Brexit: Its Consequences for Whitehall & Westminster

21 April 2016, 6:00 pm–7:30 pm

Event Information

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The Constitution Unit


Anatomy G29 J Z Young LT, Gower Street.

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Special EU Referendum Seminar Series

PDF icon View the UCL Constitution Unit Briefing Paper 1: The Constitutional Consequences of Brexit: Whitehall & Westminster  

This seminar will consider the implications for Whitehall and Westminster both of Brexit itself and of the process of negotiating Brexit. How would Whitehall manage the negotiating process and what would be the role of Westminster? How would the UK's new relationship with the EU be managed post-Brexit? Would Brexit require a re-configuration within Whitehall or Westminster?

Speakers include: 

  • Sir Simon Fraser, former Permanent Under Secretary at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office
  • Professor Hussein Kassim, UEA, co-author of The European Commission of the Twenty-First Century
  • Lord Lisvane, former Clerk of the House of Commons

Organised jointly by the UCL Constitution Unit, UCL European Institute and UCL School of Public Policy.
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