
UCL Consultants Ltd


How we protect you

Intro here

Our in-house legal team is dedicated to ensuring that you can carry out your consultancy with full contractual protection.

Our negotiations cover Consultancy Services, Confidentiality (NDA), Teaming, Framework, Expert Witness and Subcontract Agreements.

To ensure you are adequately protected when undertaking consultancy, we will act on your behalf to make sure the following are addressed in your contract with the client:

  • Services – A clear description of the work being undertaken, deliverables and timescales
  • Payment – How much the client will pay, payment milestones, as well as any additional expenses
  • Liability and indemnity – Risk mitigation
  • Data protection – If you will be a data controller or handler, this will need to be covered in the contract in advance.
  • Confidentiality – Protection of information, be that yours, your clients, or others
  • Termination rights
  • Intellectual Property – Who owns what, in terms of both project outcomes and existing background IP.

All contracts with clients are signed by UCLC so you will never need to sign anything personally - UCLC will assume liability of your behalf.  This, coupled with the benefit of our professional liability insurance cover offers you a comprehensive and fully risk-managed route to pursue your consultancy activity.