
UCL Consultants Ltd


Spotlight on... Cassie Dawson

6 July 2022

This week Cassie, a Consultancy Manager at UCL Consultants (UCLC) talks to us about her work connecting UCL's academics to clients looking for the most up-to-date expertise to help solve their problems. She also reveals her enduring love for a Jim Carrey classic...

Cassie Dawson - UCL Consultants Consultancy Manager

What is your role and what does it involve?

I work at UCL Consultants (UCLC) as a Consultancy Manager. My role involves being a first point of contact, both for staff at UCL who are interested in undertaking consultancy and for potential clients in the private and public sector who are looking for the expertise of UCL academics, often for the ultimate purpose of helping solve a problem!

You can find out more about how UCLC can help in the staff area of our website.

Primarily my own work is centred around managing and facilitating projects in the domains of the built environment and social policy. This generally means that I work most often with academics and departments within the Faculties of Engineering and MAPS.


How long have you been at UCL and what was your previous role?

I have been at UCLC for four years now. Before this I worked at another London university within their Enterprise team, supporting the Director and the senior management team in operational workings of the department.

What working achievement or initiative are you most proud of?

At present I’m really proud of the support I provide to the strong portfolio of work coming out of Department of Security and Crime Science (SCS). Lots of these projects explore society’s most serious issues and ensure that public bodies like the police and wider civil service have access to the latest research. This often involves monitoring government outlets for potential opportunities, supporting proposal development, building budgets and ensuring all the necessary paperwork is in place to take the pressure off the academics, so they can focus on the fun part of the technical work as much as possible!

I have also been promoted twice whilst at UCLC, so I’m pretty proud of that!

Read Cassie's full interview over on UCL News


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