
School for the Creative and Cultural Industries


The Culture Lab

The Culture Lab is a teaching and sharing space which works with collections from UCL and beyond to support and nurture a new generation of curators.

Located at Marshgate, UCL East, the Culture Lab builds on UCL’s long tradition of object-based learning and collections-based research. It’s a space for students, artists and community groups to work with collections and archives to creatively share what matters to them through teaching, exhibitions and events.

What's on?

Jeremy Bentham ring on pink background
Current exhibition: Power!

The inaugural exhibition at the UCL Culture Lab explores the meaning of power through diverse collections of University College London, alongside everyday objects from our homes and communities. This includes new, creative and personal pieces from the Curating Power Collective, a group of young Londoners who have been exploring and reclaiming what makes them feel powerful.

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Meet the curator

Photo of Johanna Zetterstrom-Sharp
The Culture Lab is curated and managed by Dr Johanna Zetterstrom-Sharp, Associate Professor of Heritage at UCL’s Institute of Archaeology. Prior to coming to UCL in 2022, Johanna worked as Senior Curator of Anthropology at the Horniman Museum in South London, where she has worked for over a decade, and as Lecturer in Anthropology at Goldsmiths. The focus of her museum practice is community-led research and creative partnerships as a means of working through barriers to access for communities who are underserved by the arts and cultural sector. Johanna’s research explores the colonial history and inheritance of museum practice in the 1970s-90s, as well as the colonial history of milk and dairy.