The UCL Day Nursery offers a total of 84 places for children of UCL staff and students.
Monthly fee with effect from 1, September 2024 is set out below. The fees calculations are based on the nursery opening for 48.1 weeks during 24-25 and divided into 12 equal monthly payments.
Baby rate per month (under 3 year olds)
Days per week | Fee including food | Fee excluding food | 15 hours funding |
2 | £726.10 | £677.34 | £242.74 |
3 | £1089.68 | £1014.42 | £606.32 |
4 | £1451.14 | £1351.50 | £967.78 |
5 | £1813.66 | £1690.70 | £1330.30 |
Child rate per month (over 3 year olds)
Days per week | 30 hours funding including lunch and tea | 15 hours funding including lunch and tea |
2 | n/a | £331.78 |
3 | £189.56 | £655.08 |
4 | £511.98 | £969.90 |
5 | £836.16 | £1285.78 |
- A non-refundable fee of £50 is required to secure a place on the waiting list. This does not guarantee that a place will be available for the schedule and dates required.
- Upon acceptance of a childcare place, half of the estimated monthly fee is required in advance. Fees are paid monthly on the first day of the month for the next month.
- Payments can be made by salary sacrifice through UCL payroll, childcare vouchers or cheque. See UCL's HR pages on Tax Efficient Childcare Facilities for more details.
- Additional sessions purchased, over and above normal booked sessions, will be charged monthly in addition to the equal monthly amounts.
- No refund is offered in the event of the child’s absence due to illness, holiday or for any other reason. This is because the Nursery has to reserve a place for the child with appropriate staffing in advance.
- Any change to a child’s booking pattern will be implemented at the start of the following month, providing at least two weeks’ notice is given to the Nursery manager.
- The UCL Day Nursery reserves the right to increase the fees at any time by giving one calendar month’s written notice of the proposed increase to the parents or guardian.
Childcare hours
Free 15 & 30 Hours Childcare
For eligible working families in England, currently available for children aged 2-4 years:
- Up to 15 hours of early education over 38 weeks of the year for 2 year olds
- Up to 30 hours of early education over 38 weeks of the year for 3-4 year olds
- From September 2024 - Up to 15 hours for eligible working families in England with a child between 9 and 23 months old.
Free 15 Hours Childcare
For all families in England:
- 15 hours of childcare or early education for 38 weeks (up to 570 hours per year), that you can use flexibly with one or more providers.
For more information and to see if you're eligible, please visit:
Upcoming changes
- From September 2025, up to 30 hours of free childcare will be available for eligible working parents with a child from nine months old up to school age.
- Children are eligible starting from the term after their relevant birthday. Terms start on 1 January, 1 April and 1 September.
- Parents/carers can take their entitlement during term time which equates to 30 hours per week over 38 weeks per year.
- or Parents/Carers can ‘stretch’ their entitlement over more weeks of the year, for example, a family taking up their entitlement over 52 weeks of the year would be entitled to 22hrs per week.
- If there are outstanding fees at any time, the Nursery reserves the right to immediately suspend or terminate childcare services for the child until the position is rectified. Any cost incurred as a result of suspension or termination will be paid for by the parent or guardian of the child.
Cancellation or termination
- After an offer of a place has been made by the nursery but before acceptance by the parent/guardian either party may cancel the offer by serving 7 days' written notice.
- After acceptance of the offer by the parent/guardian either party may terminate this agreement by the service of two calendar month's notice in writing. During that said two month period the nursery undertakes to continue to admit the child and the parent/guardian undertakes to pay all fees due. In the event of the parent/guardian failing to pay the month’s fees the child’s place shall be immediately withdrawn and the nursery shall be entitled to serve a formal demand for payment of such monies.
- In the event of the parent/guardian giving notice of withdrawal of the child and immediately withdrawing the said child there shall be due to the nursery two calendar month’s fees in lieu of notice. Failure by the parent/guardian to provide two calendar months’ notice or any notice at all shall render the parent/guardian liable to the nursery for two month’s fees.
- Notice must be in writing and posted to the UCL Day Nursery manager, Catherine Burtenshaw, 50-51 Gordon Square, London WC1H 0PQ or email
- The Nursery reserves the right to terminate any child’s enrolment, or restrict access to a parent/guardian or child, at any time without notice, for the protection of other children and staff, and the wellbeing and smooth operation of the Nursery. Any disruption caused by a parent or child that is deemed inappropriate or not conducive to a nursery environment, or undermines the reputation of the Nursery or its staff, will be cause for termination at the discretion of the Nursery manager.