
Dementia Research Centre


Rare Dementia (RD) Team

Rare Dementia (RD) Team

​Two PPI-leads with personal experience of rarer dementias helped develop our proposal. They and all other patients/public involved will ensure relevance to people with rare dementias by shaping the project throughout (e.g., helping design digital programmes, develop surveys and share findings):  

  • ​Nikki Zimmermann (Co-Public & Patient Involvement Lead) 
  • ​Val Mansfield (Co-Public & Patient Involvement Lead) 

​The RD-TALK project is a collaboration between researchers based at UCL and UCLH and: 

  • ​Bangor University: Zoe Hoare, Andrew Brand, Steffan Hughes 
  • ​Swansea University: Deb Fitzsimmons, Andrea Tales, Katherine Cullen 
  • ​King’s College London: Monica Leverton