
UCL Ear Institute


15 November 2016 Safety Committee meeting

Tuesday November 15, 2016

Attending: Elena Bedisti (chair EB), Jennifer Linden (JL), Sally Dawson (SD), Miriam Gomez (MG), Graham Nevill (GN), Nico Daudet (ND), Khuram Ayaz (KA), Shirley Fantie (SF), Rhona Atkin (RA, minutes)
Apologies: Priya Singh (PS), Carolina Leal (CL), Kate Faxen (KF),


PREVIOUS MINUTES: Actions from last meeting circulated and minutes approved


· Fire Drill undertaken on October 12, 2016.  Outcomes noted

o Fridge and freezer in 2nd corridor should be removed (SF – Fire brigade will insist).  SD suggested end of corridor as new location. GN to look at location with autoclave.

o Nick Lesica’s sign regarding death warning is not appropriate – JL to discuss with Nick Lesica

· Wicklow street door with metal gate now opens outwards.

· Laboratory bottles need to be recycled – GN has contacted the green team but no reply. SF suggested Gary Stratmann to contact and asked to be forwarded the email at safety@ucl.ac.uk and will chase up for collection.

· Freezer purchased by JG is in the corridor and has not worked (trips off – GN noted fault).  SD suggested trying at least once more before disposing.  GN to contact JL to confirm.

· Temperature issue in -80 room was discussed. Room has new and old equipment. 

· EvidENT in RNTNEH – noted during induction of new staff member that fire escape was unsuitable and the end door looked like had not been opened in a while. EB to investigate and contact RNTNEH.

· Service culture hoods 1st floor – GN looking into the servicing and asked for at least one weeks’ notice however it was noted by MG that the temperature issues (general airflow – awaiting Estates) may cause a problem and this needs to be fixed before servicing. Airflow issue was reported to Estates on 27.10.16 and KA to chase up.

· GN has become aware that a staff member in the Soundseekers office is deaf and needs to implement a buddy system – GN to contact Sound Seekers to investigate provisions.

· MG looking into the renewal of autoclaves servicing. Since 2013 this was with UCL and set up by MG and SD. UCL are now disputing this. SF said that some of autoclaves would be under UCL’s central maintenance/service contracts and small autoclaves to be the responsibility of the EI. MG is looking into this and EB will assist if required.

· GN required a new oxygen monitor – department to cover, cost approximately £250 for new and also the servicing of the two current.


· GN to look at new location for fridge and freezer current in 2nd corridor stair well.

· JL to talk to Nick Lesica about his door sign.

· GN to forward email to SF, Gary Stratmann for collection of glass bottles.

· GN to investigate if the JL freezer is working and if can be disposed of.

· EB to contact RNTNEH regarding the fire escape route for EvidENT staff

· KA to chase up the airflow issue on 1st floor

· GN / MG to discuss the timing of the culture hood servicing and airflow issue

· GN to talk to Sound Seeker as to provisions for the member of staff who is deaf.

· MG looking at the UCL servicing disagreement and will ask EB for assistance if required.

· GN to cost for new oxygen monitor and serving of the current two systems.


RiskNet – many outstanding incidents are ‘as planning’ on system and were lost to view when logged in.  Whilst in the meeting ND was able to locate the old incidents. GN commented that there were many in progress incidents which should be deleted if they are incomplete – this can be done by the original submitter and SF.


Visit of December 2016 has been moved to May 2017.


· Air-conditioning issue in Lecture Theatre has been noted and Estates have ordered a part from Sweden which should be delivered within two weeks.

· Issue in Nick Lesica’s lab resolved yesterday 14.11.16

· The problem of the intermittent water in the kitchen and atrium has been resolved


· KA to chase up air conditioning / Artic / Estates



· Representation PhD – previously this was Steph Junait, SD suggested asking for volunteer or nominate.

· Representative post-doc – suggested Magdalena Zak - ND to approach.

· JL noted a representative the experience of allergen / mice would be appreciated.

· JL to discuss at next Athena Swan meeting.


· ND to approach Magdalena Zak

· SD to ask for PhD volunteers / nominate


· SD – glass door outside G32 slams shut whilst in the past was held on magnet. KA to look into.

· SD – the incident with the shelves collapsing during the night in July 22, 2016 – was this reported as an accident / safety incident / near miss?  There was no submission by EB or GN.  SF stated that a retrospective submission is possible and would be important as a near miss – GN to document.

· Central safety issues – Risknet training is available and SF is willing to train locally at EI in early / mid 2017 if this is helpful (more specialised to EI). This was appreciated.


· KA to look at glass door outside G32 for magnet / mechanism.

· GN to submit shelving issue from July 22, 2016

NEXT MEETING:  March 22, 2017 14.00-15.30

Circulation: Elena Bedisti (EB, Chair), Jennifer Linden (JL), Nico Daudet (ND), Sally Dawson (SD). Kate Faxen (KF), Miriam Gomez (MG), Graham Neville (GN), Priya Singh (PS), Khuram Ayaz (KA), Carolina Leal (CL), Shirley Fantie (SF), Rhona Atkin (RA)