
Early Phase Cancer Trials Programme at UCL and UCLH


Summer 2024 Edition of the Early Phase Cancer Trials Newsletter

25 July 2024

UCLH Early Phase Cancer Trials Newsletter Summer 2024

We present the Summer 2024 Newsletter showcasing Early Phase Cancer Trials at the NIHR University College London Hospitals Clinical Research Facility (UCLH CRF).

This 6-monthly newsletter aims to share information and provide updates on early phase cancer trials at the UCLH CRF, share outcomes on these trials, updates from our Principal Investigators, alongside metrics and the latest news, publications and highlights.

In the Summer 2024 Edition:

  • Integrating infrastructure for research – the crucial role the UCLH Clinical Research Facility plays for early phase clinical trials in cancer - Dr Nick McNally
  • Highlight on a Cancer Principal Investigator - Dr Elisavet Papadimitraki
  • A Story of Early Phase Cancer Clinical Trials in Number
  • Results From A Novel Academic Clinical Trial on A Rare Sarcoma Subtype – Professor Sandra Strauss
  • NIHR UCLH Clinical Research Facility Staff Present Impactful Posters at the 19th UKCRF Network Conference
  • Latest News, Publications and Highlights 


Read the newsletter here: