
UCL Department of Economics



Peer-reviewed periodical items

  • “Limited liability and the wealth of ‘uncivilised nations’: Adam Smith and the limits to the European Enlightenment”. Cambridge Journal of Economics. Vol 34, Issue No. 5. pp. 857-67. September 2010.
  • “Technological progress and economic analysis from Petty to Smith”. European Journal for the History of Economic Thought. Vol. 17, Issue No. 5. Forthcoming, 2010. [Special issue on technology and economics with keynote article by Robert Solow.]
  • “From Petty to Ricardo up to Sraffa”. Review article on The Wealth of Ideas: a History of Economic Thought by Alessandro Roncaglia. Cambridge University Press, 2005. pp. xiv, 582. [Originally published in Italian in 2001 as La ricchezza delle idee.] Economic Issues 13 (1) March 2008. pp. 106-8.

Peer-reviewed book chapters

  • “Economics, geography and colonialism in the writings of William Petty”. In Arena, Richard, Dow, Sheila, and Klaes, Matthias, eds. Open Economics: economics in relation to other disciplines. London: Routledge. 2009. pp. 233-46.
  • “Colonialism, displacement and cannibalism in early modern economic thought”. In Balfour, Robert, ed. 2010. The representation of capital 1700-2000: speculation and displacement. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 16-34.

Commissioned items

  • “William Petty and early colonial roots of development economics”. In Jomo, Kwame Sundaram, ed., 2005. Pioneers of Economic Development. New Delhi: Tulika Books; London: Zed Press. pp. 10-30.
  • “Development and geography: current debates in historical perspective”. In Jomo, Kwame Sundaram, and Fine, Ben, eds, 2005. The New Development Economics: after the Washington Consensus. New Delhi: Tulika Books; London: Zed Press. pp. 249-68.

Further items under review

  • “The William Petty problem and the Whig history of economics". Under review by the editors of a special issue of Cambridge Journal of Economics on “Whig history and the reinterpretation of economic theory".
  • “Pluralism and the economic geography of development”. Under review for inclusion in Lee, Frederic, ed. Pluralism in economics.
  • “French Jesuits, English political economy, and a ‘most remarkable accident’”. Under review for inclusion in: Almodovar, António, ed. The popularisation of economic ideas.
  • “The practice of mathematical economists: a historical overview". Under review by the European Journal for the History of Economic Thought, for a special issue on “The practices of economists in the past and today”.

Book under revision for publication

  • William Petty and the roots of economics: landspace, population and the fiscal-military state. Formerly also published items on Middle Eastern and bibliographical subjects.