
UCL Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering


In2research placement at UCL inspires future engineer

3 September 2024

A Queen Mary University student, currently pursuing a degree in Mechanical Engineering, recently completed a placement with EEE as part of the In2research programme.

In2research placement student Sara Mohsin

This summer, we welcomed Sara Mohsin, the first of several students from other universities to undertake a placement at UCL as part of the In2research programme. Sara had just finished her second year studying Mechanical Engineering at Queen Mary University.

The initiative, designed to provide undergraduates from underrepresented backgrounds with firsthand experience in academic research, was a perfect match for this aspiring engineer who sought to explore the world of research beyond her undergraduate studies.

When I first heard about the In2research programme from a friend, I didn’t know much about research or academia after an undergraduate degree, and I was unsure about what I wanted to do once I graduated. I thought the programme would be a good experience to give me some insight into what academic research is like, and whether it is something I would enjoy and be good at."

Her placement at UCL was centred around learning how to design and build a low-noise optical signal amplifier.

I first spent some time learning the fundamentals of EDFAs (Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifiers), then about the design. I deconstructed an existing EDFA to learn about the components and then made some cables to connect the pumps to a pump control system. I then created scripts to remotely control the pumps and record measurements for further analysis and characterisation.”

Despite initial nerves about the complexity of the subject matter, Sara quickly found her footing thanks to the supportive environment at UCL.

Before starting, I was excited but also a bit nervous because the placement was based on a topic I had never studied before. However, once I started, I was much more at ease as there was plenty of support and people willing to help me.”

The mentorship she received from Dr Filipe Marques Ferreira and Dr Fabio Aparecido Barbosa left a significant impact on her experience.

It was nice to hear firsthand about my mentors’ own pathways into research, how they got there, what helped them, and what they wished they had known previously. Hearing about how they moved between research fields made me feel more at ease with my reservations about going into research.”

The programme offers more than just technical skills; it also provides a comprehensive suite of workshops aimed at developing essential research skills. Sara participated in several workshops focusing on a variety of topics such as CV building, interview techniques, confidence-building activities and networking. She highlighted the confidence building as a highlight of the programme, noting that this would equip her with the skills needed to share research with others.

As she prepares to embark on a 12-month research-based placement in industry next year, she feels well-equipped to take on the challenges ahead, thanks to her time at UCL.

The In2research programme has given me a lot more insight into how academic research works and what is required from you as a researcher.”

When asked if she would recommend the In2research programme and a placement at UCL to others, her response was unequivocal.

Definitely! Even if you don’t end up going into research, the skills you learn and confidence you build help you indefinitely in any career.”

Her positive experience at UCL serves as a testament to the invaluable opportunities provided by the In2research programme, highlighting the importance of nurturing the next generation of researchers through practical, hands-on experience and mentorship.
