
UCL Engineering


Why engineering?

Engineering uses science and mathematics to solve problems. As a future engineer, this means you could work in almost any sector.

As an engineer, you could learn how to build huge bridges or the tiniest computer chips. You could become an expert in sending satellites into space, or you could build new machines to improve the productivity of farms. You could design microscopic new circuits that transform the way technologies work, or you could create a new aircraft that causes less noise and pollution. You might design a new building material that makes structures stronger, or you could even create new equipment that helps doctors save lives.

Engineering can be almost anything that finds practical uses for scientific breakthroughs.

UCL Careers provide a dashboard of graduate outcome data, collected from the annual Graduate Outcomes survey, aggregated over the five most recent surveys (up until 2021-2022). It shows what UCL graduates are doing 15 months after graduation - where they work, and what they earn. The mean salary of graduates of undergraduate study at the UCL Faculty of Engineering represented in this data is £40,783. Of those available for work or study, 81.3% were either in highly-skilled work or postgraduate-level study. A large range of employers, sectors and roles are represented. To learn more, browse the dashboard on Tableau Public.

What are the different types of engineering?

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Inspiration: engineering jobs

Here are just some of the jobs you could go on to do as a future engineer: