
Institute of Epidemiology & Health Care


Prostate Cancer Through the Eyes of Black Men Study

We are a team of researchers and doctors at the Department of Primary Care and Population Health, at University College London and would love to hear from you.

Flyer for the Prostate Cancer through the eyes of black men study

This study has been approved by the NHS ethics committee.

What is it about?

We are researching Black men’s views and experiences of prostate cancer ‘screening’ and treatment in order to understand why inequalities exist in prostate cancer care and how they could be addressed. Specifically, we are looking into what helps and what stops Black men to seek screening for prostate cancer, or once diagnosed, what helps Black men when receiving care.

We would like to speak to

- Black men who are 18 years and over and who have experienced prostate cancer.

- Black men who are 45 years and over without a prostate cancer diagnosis to discuss their views on prostate cancer ‘screening’ and (if applicable) their experience with prostate cancer screening.

What is involved?

You will be taking part in a small group discussion (‘focus group’) online via a platform called Microsoft Teams (or face-to-face if preferred). You may also be able to request an interview if you would feel more comfortable with this. You will receive £37.50 in shopping vouchers for your time.

Make your voice heard and help us understand and tackle these health inequalities.

How can I take part?

If you are interested in hearing more about the study and/or would like to get involved, please contact Hafsa Mohammed (Research Assistant and Study Coordinator): hafsa.mohammed@ucl.ac.uk in order for us to provide further information and discuss next steps.