
Institute of Epidemiology & Health Care


Meher Mistri

"My lasting impression of UCL is of a place that changed my life and me in ways I wouldn’t imagine. I left having become a confident, independent person who knows what she wants"

Your time at UCL

Why did you choose to study at UCL?
I found the modules within the Population Health degree course to be aligned with my interests. I particularly liked the flexibility we had to pick our modules in the second and third years. Ofcourse, being situated in the heart of London was a big attraction too.
What’s your favourite / most memorable memory of your time as a UCL student?
My most memorable memory of my time at UCL has to be the first week there. I felt a range of emotions ranging from excitement to nervousness and even fear. I highly underestimated the adjustment it would take to get accustomed to life in another country but looking back I’m proud of how I dealt with it all.

Life after UCL

What did you do in the year immediately after graduating?
I decided to apply to law schools in the US as well as India. However having no legal background, lacking experience in related fields and without the right credentials for law schools in the US, I decided to take a gap year of sorts, get some experience and apply for the year commencing 2020.
During the year I worked at India’s largest non-sectarian philanthropic organisation called the Tata Trusts. I was a part of the Access to Justice team within their Civil Society Strengthening portforlio.

What is your current role? What’s a regular day like?
After leaving the Tata Trusts after 10 months, I decided to get some experience in a law firm. With some experience in the legal field under my belt, I managed to get a long term internship at a law firm in Mumbai. I am also enrolled in a law school in India so I have a perfect balance of academics with practical experience.
Law schools in India conduct their classes between 7:30 – 11:30 am. This is to allow students to work at a place of their choosing for the rest of the day. After classes, I go to the Law firm I am working at and spend most of my day there. 

How has your UCL education contributed to your success?
UCL allowed me to opt for modules in different departments. During all my three years, I realised that I love political sciences and topics related to social development, social justice and human rights. It is how I realised I wanted to be a lawyer. 

Alumni wisdom

What advice would you give to your past self when you were a student?
Be more diligent about your work

What advice do you have for current students?
Even if the readings do not seem important enough to do every week before class, they are. They lend to an overall understanding and you never know, you might find your life’s calling by encouraging yourself to do the assigned readings. 

Describe UCL in 3 words

  • Memorable 
  • Life changing
  • Academic

What is your lasting impression of UCL?
My lasting impression of UCL is of a place that changed my life and me in ways I wouldn’t imagine. I left having become a confident, independent person who knows what she wants. At UCL I realised that  everything matters, whether it is a small formative assignment or an exam and it is important to put your best foot forward in whatever you do.