
UCL EPSRC Doctoral Training


UCL EPSRC Doctoral Prize Fellowships Awarded: Summer 2017

25 July 2017

The UCL EPSRC Doctoral Prize Fellowships support the forefront of EPSRC's doctoral graduates to continue, and develop their independent academic research career.

Awards provide financial support for a duration of two years for exceptional candidates to work on individually devised original projects.

The selection panel for the Winter Call, lead by Prof Des McMorrow (Vice Dean for Research) and consisting of academics from across the BEAMS faculty, reviewed each candidate, considering their academic merit along with the strength of their long-term career plan and research proposal. Five awards were made in total, to the recipients indicated below.

Matthew Darby (Chemical Engineering) Single Sheet MoS2 Catalysts for the Conversion of Biomass to Hydrocarbon Fuels
Zach Easton-Rosen (CMIC) Radiogenomics and radiometabolomics for precision medicine in cancer
Virginia Gori (BSEER) Bayesian Building Physics: The Rapid Characterisation of Dynamic Building Heat Loss
Sherry Nakhaeizadeh (Security & Crime Science) The use of eye-tracking technology in forensic decision-making: An empirical approaches to advancing the understanding of complex visual tasks in forensic anthropology.
Ciprian Pruteanu (Physics & Astronomy) Is High Pressure the End of Hydrophobicity?

Congratulations to all the successful candidates! The next round will open November 2017.