
UCL European Institute


Video: Promoting Global Transparency: A Transatlantic Challenge

16 May 2012–15 February 2013, 12:00 am–12:00 am

Event Information

Open to

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January 2013

See below for videos from a conference hosted by the European Parliament Information Office in London, the Embassy of the United States, London and UCL European Institute on how the UK, EU and the United States can work together to promote open and transparent business practices in emerging markets.

Widget Placeholderhttp://player.vimeo.com/video/57611103

GT introduction from UCL European Institute on Vimeo.

Widget Placeholderhttp://player.vimeo.com/video/57615256

GT Panel 1 from UCL European Institute on Vimeo.

Widget Placeholderhttp://player.vimeo.com/video/57615257

GT Panel 2 from UCL European Institute on Vimeo.