
UCL European Institute


The European Social Charter 50 Years On: Commitment, Interpretation and Compliance

10 May 2012, 1:45 pm

Event Information

Open to


10 May 2012

Thursday, 10 May 2012

School of Public Policy Council Room
Rubin Building
29-30 Tavistock Square
London WC1H 9QU

Spaces are limited. Contact
Dr. Başak Çalı by 1 May 2012 to book your place.

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Considerable academic and public attention has been devoted to the European Convention on Human Rights in the recent years. For the most part, this has focussed on the legitimacy and purpose of judicial review of civil and political rights in the European context. Much less attention, however, has been paid to its sister human rights treaty, the European Social Charter, and the legitimacy and effectiveness of legal adjudication in the field of social rights in Europe.

The Social Charter is now fifty years old. Its adjudicatory body, the European Committee on Social Rights, has a mature roster of decisions focussing on a wide range of social and economic rights. Within the current background of economic recession and a mixed record of social rights protection in Europe, it is timely to  appraise the legitimacy of social rights, the commitment of European states to respecting them, and how they are interpreted and applied.

This half-day workshop will bring together a multi-disciplinary range of academics, researchers and practitioners interested in social policy, human rights and litigation in Europe to appraise social rights in Europe and the role of the European Social Charter fifty years on.

  • Why do European states commit to the Social Charter?
  • Are social rights decisions implemented in Europe?
  • How should social rights be interpreted in the European context of welfare states?
  • Are there any tensions between the European Social Charter and the socio-economic policies being currently implemented in Europe today?
  • Does Europe need judicial review of social rights?
  • What is the relationship between social rights and policy in the European context?
  • What is the future of the European Social Charter?

The workshop is funded under the European Institute's Small Grants Scheme 2011-12.


Workshop Programme

13.45-14.00 Coffee and registration
14.00-15.45 The European Social Charter: Commitment and Interpretation 50 Years on
Chair: Dr. Başak Çalı, Department of Political Science, UCL
Speakers: Iain Bryne, Amnesty International
  Colm O'Cinneide, Reader, UCL Laws, Vice President of the European Committee on Social Rights
  Niamh Casey, Secretariat, Committee on the European Social Charter, Council of Europe.
  Dr Jarna Petman, Member of the European Committee on Social Rights, Eric Castren Institute for Human Rights, University of Helsinki 
15.45-16.00 Coffee break
16.00-17.45 The European Social Charter in the Broader European Social Context
Chair: Meghna Abraham, Amnesty International
Speakers: Professor Albert Weale, Department of Political Science, UCL
  Dr. Virginia Mantouvalou, Faculty of Laws, UCL
  Professor Aoife Nolan, Department of Law, University of Nottingham
17.45-18.15 Drinks reception