
UCL European Institute


European Institute facilitates trip to Brussels for ISR colleagues

1 July 2024

Dr Claudia Sternberg has put together a day of seven meetings with stakeholder representatives, diplomats, civil servants, think tank analysts and a Member of the European Parliament.

Race Bank Offshore Wind Farm, 27km off the coast of Norfolk, United Kingdom

Prof. Michael Grubb and Dr Yaroslav Melekh of the UCL Institute of Sustainable Resources used these meetings to deepen their understanding of future options for the UK-EU electricity trade and the decarbonisation of the EU's energy industry. 

The European Institute is working with them to provide the knowledge exchange dimension of their project 'European energy-industrial decarbonisation in the global context: integration, consistency and strategy', funded by the by the Institute for New Economic Thinking (INET), as part of our current Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence Programme

We will discuss the findings of this project with professionals in Brussels and London in workshops in the autumn. 

Read more about the collaboration here

The research project

The project looks into the future of the UK-EU energy trade, with particular focus on the electricity sector. It considers investment, inefficiencies and the strategic implications of lesser integration of the UK-EU electricity trade. A forward-looking analysis, it investigates the potential for the deployment of offshore hybrid assets, that is, offshore wind multipurpose interconnectors, so as to meet the UK’s target of 50 GW in the North Sea by 2030. It further analyses the impact of EU CBAM on electricity trade, and related issues of guarantees of origin for electricity (i.e. REGOs). It also considers ways forward to couple electricity markets and emission trading systems and review the guarantees of origin for clean energy, therefore, to reduce electricity prices, relative costs of decarbonisation and, ultimately, carbon emissions in both markets. Finally, it explores the consistencies of gas demand in the EU with its decarbonisation and net zero targets, and potential carbon lock-ins related to the expansion of gas infrastructure since the start of the global energy crisis. 

Image: Race Bank Offshore Wind Farm, 27km off the coast of Norfolk, United KingdomNicholas Doherty on Unsplash.